Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

My Bliss

As I was cleaning out some of my old magazine baskets yesterday, I came across a book I had received from my doctor when I was pregnant for Layla. As I read some of it, I came across this page that I swear could have been written by me and was completely appropriate for how I am feeling this week. It was as if someone put my words onto paper. I will share this one excerpt with you, as it truly enhances how I feel about both of my girls.

Mallika Chopra is the author, and it comes from her book, "100 Promises to My Baby".

Pregnancy and motherhood have given me the direct experience of divine intelligence. I remember the moment that I realized I was pregnant. I felt the presence of spirit inside me. I wondered where I had come from and I felt the surge of the creative impulse of the universe bursting through me. Time stood still and I felt connected to eternity.
I visualized the baby that was growing inside of me, and started to whisper little secrets of love to her. I felt a soul inside of me, a soul that was innocent and pure and powerful, and listened to my thoughts and to the joy and love in my heart.
When I saw my baby for the first time, I cried tears of joy at the miracle before me. Her ten tiny fingers and toes, her perfect features, her search for my smell, my touch, and my voice - a divine presence, beautiful, holy and sacred. Through my child, the world around me sparkled in a new light. I was able to see miracles at every turn - the miracle of nature, relationships and love.
And with each day, my love for my child grows. It is a love that I had never experienced before - a love with no expectations, unbounded, pure, tender, completely vulnerable and with no defenses. I have gotten to know my baby as her own individual. She disarms me with her unique smile, cooing in her own language, and blissfully taking in the world around her. I fall in love with her over and over again.
With my second pregnancy, I was nervous that I would never love another being in the way that I had loved my first child. But, I soon realized that love has no boundaries. My love for my daughter only fueled the love for my second baby. Love is the essence of spirit and grows stronger with each expression of attention, appreciation and affection.
I thank my daughters for teaching me the real meaning of spirituality. They have taught me what it feels like to be vulnerable, powerful and defenseless. They teach me about the miracles of our existence through the wonder in their eyes and the innocence of their blissful laughter. They have shown me the power of unconditional love. It radiates from their being like light from a bonfire in all directions. It brings back joy and laughter from wherever it is reflected.
For all my pregnant Mommies out there, Julie, Valerie and Melisa.. and to my dear friends who know the joys of motherhood, this one is for you!

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