Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Monday, April 23, 2012

Bailey Anne..

It's official!  I am an Auntie of 6!  My 5th Niece was born early Sunday morning (2:30am) weighing in at 8lbs 4oz.  Mama and baby are doing very well!  She is a DOLL!  I might be a little obsessed with her.  Just a tad.  I can't help it.  Something about a baby makes me all gushy inside!  I love babies!!!  LOL  We had a great weekend waiting on her to come.  Arielle and Addy came over Thursday night and played with the girls.  The rest of the family also ended up coming by and we threw dinner on the grill and just enjoyed each other's company.  Auntie Paula, Mom Murphy, Leanne and I took a walk up the street to try and help get Leanne's water to break.  Wine in hand we took our stroll and I swear that I felt like I was on vacation.  My love affair with my road is apparent.  Just the girls, walking on and talking and all surrounded by the fact that the Lord was about to grant us another miracle and that baby would soon appear.  The flowers, the Lilac smell in the air, the farmland and rolling hills... it was the perfect Spring evening.  The girls stayed the night and then I took them all to Grammy's in the morning while I went to work with Cam.  Leanne went in around noon time and although it was a long day for her, the princess finally arrived!  Congrats Dan and Leanne!!!

I'm completely bummed that the school vacation week is over and we are back to our hectic schedules this rainy Monday morning.  I loved having the girls home and having our mornings be laid back and not rushed.  I am so looking forward to the summer!  It stinks to have to work, but at least I will be able to soak them up more and have our days be laid back!  Cheers to a great week!

The girls waiting on the 5th Princess to arrive!

The Murphy side.. waiting on the 6th

and here she is!  Auntie Leanne looking great after 12 hours of waiting!


Cam was very intrigued by her! 

I might steal her! 

Cam and I being silly! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Childhood Dreams

So I can finally officially come out and say that YES we have moved back to Smithfield and are in the home I grew up in. I know I have posted a bit about this previously, but I now have the permission of Hannah's principal that she may stay at her school through the end of the year so I'd pretty much like to scream to the world how happy I am that we are in this house! I love everything about this house. I love the memories I have as a child and I love hearing my children making those same memories. The lot is just beautiful and embodies everything it means to live in the country right down to our little groundhog living under the shed. The street is breathtaking with it's wildlife, nature and beauty. This time of year has always been my favorite with the trees budding and the birds chirping. I can't wait to enjoy the summer here on Williams Road. There is nothing that feels more home to me...

The five of us took a walk up the street the other night.  I grabbed my camera and took some pictures of the kids near my favorite farmhouse... 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Blook Work Results

Yay, I heard from Dr. Lee today and received Layla's blood work results.  It took me a bit to process the information and actually figure everything out but the short of it is this:  She doesn't appear to have an immune system deficiency.  She does have a Vitamin D deficiency which is mild and can be treated with a multivitamin with extra Vitamin D.  Easy fix and this is quite common for children with asthma and food allergies.  An easier fix would be to move to Florida and play in the sunshine every day... although the likelihood of that happening is slim to none.  While she tested positive to tree nuts and walnuts back in 2010, the blood work did not show this allergy this time.  However, I think we will be avoiding them just in case.  We could do further testing into this, but at this rate I firmly believe that avoiding them would be our best bet.  She is also still highly allergic to peanuts.  (darn) So it looks like we will still be on high alert in that department.  Dr. Lee also feels that she needs the 23-valent Pneumovax Immunization... which when I researched what on earth this meant, I think it simply means the Pnuemonia Vaccine.  (Still looking into this to make sure I'm right)After receiving this vaccine, he then will do follow up blood work to retest her immune system.   

Where do we go from here?  Well we have a follow up with Dr. Lee in 3 weeks.  From there we will see how her current cocktail of meds are working out for her.  She is currently in the middle of yet another asthma bout, however, upon checking her Pulsox yesterday, we seem so be keeping a big attack at bay.  She's on the neb every 4 hours and we have been extremely strict with making sure she is getting her inhalers twice a day along with her Singulair.  If she should continue to have these bouts then we may have to add in an Advair or something of those sorts.

We also have a follow up with Dr. Verhave in 3 weeks for the EE recheck to see where we stand with that and if it is contributing to her asthma and allergies.  I am curious to see where we stand with this but I have a lot of anxiety about putting her through yet another endoscopy now that she is two years older and can process more of it.  That is not going to be a fun day.  So back to Boston we go and it sounds like we'll be spending some time up there over the course of the next several months.  I'll say again how fortunate we are to have this hospital at our finger tips and only an hour away. 
I truly hope that I am not missing anything here.  I lay awake at night thinking about this poor kid and what I can do to help her stay well.  I rack my brain to see if there is something we are missing or something more we could be doing.  I just want this Ravioli well. Period.

Other than that I am just continuing to plug along with work, planning the Father Daughter Dance for Hannah's school, planning Han's 1st Communion, and realizing that the Cannelloni is about to be TWO in only a few short months.  My oh my!

Here are the Blood Work results.  I like to post them here so when it comes a time to compare, I'll have them in a safe spot!  ;)

Layla's lab results are below. Her blood counts show no changes concerning for an underlying immune deficiency. Antibody titers were adequate to 1 of 14 pneumococcal serotypes as well as to tetanus and Hib (PRP). Immunoglobulin levels were normal. Overall, there was the immune evaluation revealed no significant issues.

She has a mild Vitamin D insufficiecy and postive test to peanuts. Tree nut testing was negative.

Recommendation: I would like to further evaluate her immune system to see how well she responds to the 23-valent Pneumovax. This immunization can be given in your pediatrician's office. If not available, then it can be given at our clinic in Children's Hospital. Once this is done, she will need to have repeat measurement of antibody titers one month afterwards.
I also recommend that she start a multi-vitamin containing Vitamin D. Regarding tree nuts – she had a positive walnut skin test in 2010. If you are interested in giving her tree nuts, then she should come back to our clinic for tree nut testing. If negative then I would want to do a challenge to walnuts. If she passes that, then she will only need to avoid peanuts.

04/05/2012 16:29
WBC 7.50 K cells/uL 5.98 - 10.80
Hemoglobin 12.1 g/dL 11.1 - 12.9
Hematocrit 36.0 % 31.8 - 37.0
Platelet 349 K cells/uL 208 - 410
MPV 7.8 fL 7.3 - 8.0
RBC 4.26 M cells/uL 3.89 - 4.67
MCV 84.6 fL H 77.7 - 84.1
MCH 28.4 pg 27.0 - 29.6
MCHC 33.5 g/dL L 34.0 - 35.6
RDW 13.8 % 13.0 - 14.2
HDW 2.51 g/dL L 2.69 - 3.17
Absolute Neutrophil Count 1.64 K cells/uL L 2.29 - 6.36
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 4.91 K cells/uL H 1.46 - 3.78
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.32 K cells/uL H 0.02 - 0.20
RBC Morphology Yes NA
Neutrophil/Band 22 % L 34 - 78
Left Shift Absent NA
Lymphocyte 66 % H 11 - 59
Monocyte 4 % 4 - 8
Eosinophil 4 % 1 - 4
Basophil 2 % H 0 - 1
Atypical Lymphocyte 2 % 0 - 4
Anisocytosis, RBC 1+ NA
Microcytosis, RBC 1+ NA
Pneumococcal IgG Panel Interpretation See Note NA
Pneumococcus Type 1, IgG 0.46 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 12F, IgG 0.28 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 14, IgG 0.30 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 18C, IgG 0.86 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 19F, IgG 0.67 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 23F, IgG 0.16 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 6B, IgG 0.56 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 3, IgG 0.49 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 4, IgG 0.08 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 5, IgG 6.48 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 7F, IgG 0.28 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 8, IgG 0.18 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 9N, IgG 0.08 mcg/mL NA
Pneumococcus Type 9V, IgG 0.28 mcg/mL NA
PRP (Polysaccharide Ribose Phosphate) 5508 ng/mL NA
Tetanus IgG 1.73 IU/mL 0.15 - 7.00
IgG 667 mg/dL 600 - 1500
IgG1 427 mg/dL NA 290-1065 -
IgG2 85 mg/dL NA 28-315 -
IgG3 29 mg/dL NA 4-71 -
IgG4 31 mg/dL NA 0-90 -
IgA 59 mg/dL 50 - 150
IgM 102 mg/dL H 22 - 100
IgE 159 units/mL 0 - 200
Allergen, Almond <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Brazilnut <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Cashew <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Hazelnut <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Pecan <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Pistachio <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Pine Nut <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Walnut <0.35 kU/L NA
Allergen, Peanut 13.90 kU/L NA
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D 22.9 ng/mL L 30.0 - 80.0

Last but not least... HAPPY BIRTHDAY BILLY!  Wishing you many more years of happiness and health!  XO

Easter 2012

Tub time! 

Word Parade Day 

My little Bunny 

The biggest welt on her back is from the horse allergy...  still boggles my mind 

TY Easter Bunny! 

My latest creation

Surprise Robbie Dobbs!  Mom and Dad flew home for your 40th!!! 

My Cherubs! 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Quick Update

Just a super quick update as to what transpired in Boston with Layla.  She was retested for allergies and we concluded that in unison with the peanut, tree nut, soy & cat, she is also allergic to dust mites, tree pollen, dog and severely allergic to horse.... yes horse.  As if she has ever been within 10 feet of a horse.  Go figure.  Horse was definitely the worst as the welt on her back was at least 3 x 3 inches.  I am waiting on blood work to come back in regards to some other issues as well concerning a vitamin D deficiency and an immune system deficiency.  I am also in the process of making a follow-up appointment with Dr. Verhave.  If you remember a few years back Layla was diagnosed with EE (Eosinophilic Esophagitis).  I had thought that had resolved itself since she is finally eating better and has started to turn the corner with weight gain.  However, Dr. Lee strongly felt that we do a follow up endoscopy to see where we stand with the EE since it can also be known to have little or no symptoms and he feels as though the asthma is connected to it.  So we will be heading up for that follow up as well as to see Dr. Lee in 3 weeks.  Layla was a trooper throughout the testing and blood work even though I felt as though we tortured her a bit.  The kid has good lungs!  LOL  My friend Shannon rode co-pilot with us and was a huge help with the visit.  It was so nice to have someone along for the ride!  Layla was easy peasey during the ride and very cooperative.  I'm so lucky with her!

She currently started with a cold and has had a low grade fever the past several days, although she seems to be functioning fine.  She has had the dry cough but we seemed to have kept the asthma at bay by doing the Neb treatments.  Hopefully we can continue to keep it controlled and get her through it quickly! 

I'll update more once we have the blood work results in!

Ciao!  Hope everyone had a lovely Easter!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


Layla has her Boston Childrens Hospital appointment tomorrow.  I am anxious to get to it.  I have spent the week trying to keep her healthy.  Fingers crossed we will prevail in that department.  I did hear her coughing a bit last night, but she seemed fine this morning and actually quite happy to be participating in her school's Hop A Thon to support Muscular Dystrophy today.  Although her favorite hopping sneakers somehow alluded us this morning and were no where to be found.  They adorned her feet just yesterday and today... Poof... vanished.  I was able to dry her tears and find a smile on her sparkly face by the time we dropped her off at school.  I hold a lot of hope for this appointment mainly because I want to do everything in my power to keep this child out of the ICU.  I'm not up for that visit again and neither is she.  I want every option explored and I want to figure this thing out.  I'm tired of her constantly being sick just as she tired of constantly being sick.

The other two boogers are doing well.  Hannah spent the weekend on Long Island with Daddy, Auntie Jill and Uncle Dave.  She got to see her first Bruins game at the Coliseum and had quite the time being the center of attention.  I'm glad she got to have this time although I did miss her quite a bit.  It is Reading Week at her school this week and she is having a grand time involving herself in all the activities.  Mr Cam...well is Mr Cam.  Crazy, loud, into everything.... yet I wouldn't have it any other way.  I really do think it is just a phase and although he can certainly give me a run for my money, he is so lovable and so darn cute.  He reminds me so much of Hannah at this age with his intelligence and humor.  He is so verbal now and Lord if the child sees a truck and you don't acknowledge it!

Billy and I celebrated our 8th anniversary yesterday.  If you call American Chop Suey a celebration!  Tuesdays are the worst schedule wise.  Hopefully we can find some quiet time next week for the two of us to head to dinner and actually acknowledge the fact that we have been together EIGHT years! 

Other than that I am sitting here trying to calm my anxiousness about the next several crazy days.  We have a bit of a hectic schedule and I am trying to figure out how I am about to get everything done.  I am certain it will get done I just need to talk myself through it.   Take a deep breath and be grateful for the day.  This too shall pass...