Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Friday, September 26, 2008

Up all night

Okay.. it has been a rough few nights for the clan. Miss Hannah is still fighting her nasty cold and in the process, has given it to the ravioli. Neither one of them have been sleeping well and last night was by far the worst. Hannah all of a sudden keeps waking up (which we thought we had nipped in the bud with her new bedtime) and Layla can't seem to stay asleep due to being uncomfortable and not being able to breath out of her nose. Throw in the 101.5 fever and the poor kid hardly slept a wink last night. Therefore, neither did Mommy!

Hopefully Hannah is a just a bit out of schedule and that is what is causing her to wake. I am sure that she is still feeling pretty lousy and that could be a big contributor. In the meantime, I am just going to keep an eye on the ravioli and her fever. She could just be running a fever with the cold virus, however, it could be an ear issue as well. Worst case scenario, I take her to the treatment center over the weekend and have her checked. Have I mentioned how much I hate playing this GUESSING GAME? There are times when I just wish I were a Dr. so I could save us all from trying to always guess what is wrong. Purchasing an Otoscope is certainly on my "To-Do" list!

In the essence of me trying to get through my work day today without passing out from exhaustion, I will post this song by Kenny Chesney as it is one of my favorites and I feel as though it truly fits my zombiehood status today:

The Woman with You
She hit the door 6:55 sack full of groceries split down the side.
Can goods scattered all the way to the curb.
Look on her face saying don't say a word.
So, it's me and her and a can of beans sitting there
on the front porch swing.
Western sky all turning red.
Head on my shoulder she sighed and said:
Been gopherin, chaufferin, company chairmen.
Coffee maker, Copy repairman.
Anymore there ain't nothin I swear man that I don't do.
Been juggling, struggling, closing big deals.
Dancing backwards in high heels.
Just when it feels like i can't make it through.
She said it sure is nice to just be the woman with you.
She said the girl I was with the business degree
probably wouldn't recognize me.
I was gonna run the bank.
I was gonna run them out.
Now all I want to run is a bubble bath.
Back then you know I had this plan.
Before all of this reality set in.
Here comes life boy ready or not.
Hey I wanted it all and that's what I got.
Cause I'm gopherin, chaufferin, company chairmen.
Coffee maker, Copy repairman.
Anymore there ain't nothin I swear man that I don't do.
Been juggling, struggling, closing big deals.
Dancing backwards in high heels.
Just when it feels like I can't make it through.
She said it sure is nice to just be the woman with you.
She said I'm gopherin,chaufferin, company chairmen.
Coffee maker, Copy repairman.
Anymore there ain't nothin I swear man that I don't do.
Been juggling, struggling, closing big deals.
Dancing backwards in high heels.
Just when it feels like I can't make it through.
She said it sure is nice to just be the woman the woman with you.

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