Hannah had soccer on Saturday morning and I had an absolute blast watching her play! What a nut she is! She was very good and definitely payed attention to directions this week. She had quite the fan club cheering her on and once she saw cousin Arielle.. she was thrilled! It was most surreal seeing my Dad on the sideline looking on at her. I flashed back to 28 something years ago when I was the one on the field and my Dad's eyes were on me back then. It truly was a moment for me to realize how precious life really is and how quickly the time truly passes. Aside from my parents, Momma and Pa were there to watch, along with Auntie Paula, Leanne, Arielle and Addison. (Grammy and Grampy were her onlookers last week) It was a wonderful crisp morning.. until that is... when Hannah came off the field and in the matter of the hour, she had red swollen eyes gooping green guck!!! AHHH.. It happened so quickly but even before we headed to the treatment center, Billy and I both knew that it was conjunctivitis! Dr. Marz confirmed and also added the beginning to an ear infection to our concerns. He gave us a prescription for antibiotics and we were on our way home.
With a nap under Hannah's belt and a full belly, we headed to Disney on Ice that evening. It was SPECTACULAR! What an amazing performance they put on and Hannah was completely enthralled in the show. We had great seats and they were fairly close to the ice. Miss Layla was a bit tired and Billy thankfully got her settled and she fell asleep in his arms. Not without him doing a few laps around the Civic Center, but still just the same! From Minnie and Mickey, to cars, to Ariel and the Lion King to a finale with Tinkerbell and the fairies.. it was incredible! I am so glad that we went even with Hannah feeling a little under the weather.
Sunday, Billy went fishing and I took the girls Apple Picking. This is most definitely one of my favorite activities of the Fall. Even though the weather was a bit warm, I lugged the girls around in the wagon and we were able to pick some delicious apples. As we were entering the Orchard, Melisa, Bob, Olivia, Shelby and Camrie were heading out so they decided to turn back around and join us. The girls were simply adorable hiding under the trees and picking apples. We tried to keep Olivia at a safe distance so she wouldnt come down with the dreaded "Pink Eye"... Lets hope we she fares well!
After picking all of our apples we headed home to make an apple crisp and work in the yard a bit.
The only downside of the day was watching my beloved Patriots get their fannies kicked by the Dolphins.. but not even the Patriots can be perfect all the time... especially without many of their star players. Have I mentioned that I refuse to pick up any of Skip's phone calls today. He has tried, believe me, he has tried to bust my beans, but I am refusing to let him I tell you!!!! I wonder how long I can put off answering one of his calls? Speaking of Mr. Young.. I have to just add one thing. Friday I had picked up Hannah from school and was driving home when I drove by Gramma Young's house and I did a double take. Yes.. there she was, on her John Deer, cutting the front lawn. The woman is just remarkable! I had to turn around and take a picture of her, because it was just too priceless not to capture! What a kind, sweet, capable woman she is and I only hope that when I am her age, I can do half of what she does in a day! Cheers to you Gramma Young!
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