Last night was a productive sleep night for Miss Layla! Both girls were asleep by 7:30 and Layla slept through until 5:30 AM! Hannah on the other hand, had her first bout of sleepwalking! About a half hour after putting her down, I heard her scream twice. I ran upstairs and found her in my room with the light on and the bed was rustled. She was just standing there. I asked her twice what was wrong and she said nothing. Then she ran past me to the bathroom, went, and ran back into her bed. I layed down with her for a few minutes and within seconds she was sound asleep. Upon asking her about the episode this morning, she had no recollection. LOL I hope she doesnt end up sleep walking the way I did when I was a kid! My parents use to find me trying to get out the front door. One time, I even mistook my brother's closet for the bathroom! WHOOPSIE!
Today is Hannah's first field trip and to say that I am a wreck about it would be an understatement. They are heading to the local Children's Museum. The permission slip alone was enough to give me a heart attack stating all of these horrible things that "could" happen and that the school would not be responsible for. Moreover, Hannah coming home from school yesterday saying that there were several children staying behind because their parents would not allow them to go did not ease my worry. One in particular because he had gotten lost on a previous field trip (at a different school) for over four hours. No, this story did not help ease any of my fears. So needless to say, I probably freaked the kid out entirely last night by giving her a run down of all the safety rules. To be sure to stay with a buddy at all times and have her teacher in sight. Never wander off away from the class. Keep your voice down on the bus so the bus driver can pay attention to the road and lastly, if anyone should grab her, to scream fire or stranger, kick, bite and do whatever she could to get away. I know that I probably sound like a total freak but in this day and age you honestly can not be too careful. Just turning on the news is enough to want to keep your children in bubbles for the rest of their lives. I know I certainly can't keep her in a bubble (even though I really really want to) so I had to let her go and enjoy her day. She was so very excited and I am sure she will be just fine and will be overjoyed to tell me about her day. I wish I could have chaperoned, but unfortunately, too many parents wanted to, so they had to say no to all of the parents as to not cause problems. So I will be breathing in and out until 3PM today when I go pick her up and she is safe and sound in my arms!
My Layla funny for the evening was last night when she was playing with Hannah's guitar. She came up to me and asked me where her pickle was. I made her repeat it twice because it was the cutest thing ever. Then Billy made her repeat it. What she wanted was the "pick" for the guitar. She just says the funniest things! Something else that she has said forever that I just melt when she says it, is "Mommy hold you!" She says this when she wants to be held. I just love it and I would never think of correcting her because it seriously melts my heart when she says it. I hope she continues to say it for a long long time!
On another note, Mommy's feeling a little funky today. I started feeling a bit "off" last night and thought maybe dinner just didnt agree with me. Yet, this morning, I wasnt able to drink my usual one cup of coffee. Now I am feeling a little feverish and my stomach is still off. Hmmm I surely hope I am not catching a bug. We have a marathon day today and there is just no time in the schedule for it! :) Hoping it passes quickly!
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