Just when you think you have it all figured out, all your theories get squashed! Layla had another horrible night last night which leads me to believe that she may not have even injested the spoiled milk on Sunday. She went to bed fine for me with no problems. Hannah and she were sleeping soundly by 8PM. Layla awoke around midnight and came into my room. I picked her up and put her in bed with me. She was fine for about minute or two and then all of a sudden the screams began. The kicking began and the crawling out of her skin began. I have to tell you that it is the worst feeling in the world because nothing I do, will console her. If I try and hold her, she crawls out of her skin even more. Moreover her kicks are so fierce that I am afraid she will kick my belly and harm the baby. Walking the hallway would only work for a minute or two and then we were back to square one. She wont let me rub her belly or her back and she screams louder if I try. It is the worst feeling in the world to know that she is in pain and nothing I do will help ease it for her. Through her screams she was saying, "belly" so I knew for sure it was belly pain. So all I can do is sit there and cry with her feeling so helpless. Every few minutes it would ease up and then it would start all over again. By 2:30 AM I was able to calm her enough to put a Mickey Mouse movie in. She was still uncomfortable but she had at least stopped the screaming. By this time however, the poor kid was wide awake. So it took watching the movie twice in order to get her to go back to sleep which wasnt til around 4AM. Thankfully, she slept the rest of the morning without incident and didn't wake until 9AM this morning. I called her GI doctor in Boston and thankfully received a return phone call by 8:30 this morning suggesting we up her med to twice a day. (This is why I love Boston Childrens!) Immediately I receive a response! I am praying that this helps relieve her of the pain and will allow her a night of sound sleep. Now I am really looking forward to her procedure which I am hoping will be scheduled no later than next month. I just want this precious ravioli to feel better! I want her to get a good night's sleep! I want answers and I want to be able to make it all better for her! I am so tired of feeling so helpless. I pray that the endoscopy gives us answers and gives them to us in a reasonable amount of time!
On a lighter note, I have a Hannah funny. She had come home from school on Monday saying that she needed a "Frankenstein" shirt to wear to school on Tuesday. Puzzled, I asked her why. She said he was coming to visit her school and again insisted that Daddy must have a Frankenstein shirt. I assured her that Billy, indeed, did not have a Frankenstein shirt. She then asked me to describe what Frankenstein looked like. I went into my green faced, squared shouldered, tall, hunched over description and then noticed that her expression was puzzled. I am not sure what happened but the conversation was dropped surely because I was distracted by something else and that was the end of it. When I picked her up from school yesterday, she got in the car and said, "Oh Mom, It wasn't Frankenstein who came to visit, it was Alan Shawn Feinstein." I tell you, I laughed so hard I cried. Leave it to Hannah. The child can make me laugh under any circumstance!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
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