It was a long night in the Murphy household last night. Everything had been well throughout the weekend with the exception of Layla having a mild virus which had started on Thursday and that looked to have been so much better yesterday. We went to Church in the morning and she really seemed fine all day. She took her nap and everything. Billy then read to both girls last night and put them down to bed. For some reason Layla just wouldnt settle down. She seemed as though she wanted to, but just couldnt get comfortable. After an hour and a half of me constantly checking the monitor, we went up and got her. We snuggled her on the couch and yet, she still couldnt seem to simmer down. I finally went back upstairs with her and tried to soothe her to sleep. It took a while, but finally, by 11:30, she was sound asleep. By 2:00AM she was up screaming. I mean SCREAMING! I tried everything and nothing worked. I walked the hall with her, I rocked her and I rubbed her back but she seemed to be very uncomfortable. She kept kicking her legs and arching her back. I tried to rummage through my head and remember what she had to eat during the day and I really couldnt come up with anything that could have bothered her belly so severely. The only thing she did have was a teaspoon of Cool Whip, which she has had before and never reacted this way too. Nothing would console her. It was terrible! Billy woke up and came upstairs and he too, tried everything. Finally around 3:45 he headed downstairs with her and held her on the couch. She fell alseep for about an hour and a half and then she was up again screaming. I ran downstairs and just held her and rocked her. Eventually I put Mickey Mouse on for her and after another 45 minutes I got her back to sleep.
Today, she is just downright icky! She is not screaming anymore but she is completely exhausted and rightfully so. I am hoping that she is going to go down for me in a few minutes. Even poor Hannah woke up a few times during the night and I felt so terrible waking her up to get her off to school today. I know she must be exhausted and I am hoping she will take a little nap after school today. Although thankfully she didnt give me an ounce of trouble and really woke up rather happy.
I dont know what to think as far as Layla is concerned, since it is still sometimes difficult for her to communicate with us what is wrong. She is only 2 and one moment she can say her belly hurts and the next she says it doesnt. I am wondering if this could even be part of the little virus she had or if it is a food related issue. Whatever it is, I pray that she can just get some much needed rest tonight. This has happened before during the night, but never to this degree and never for as long as it did last night. So once again I am left pondering as to what could be wrong with the ravioli. I have a call into her GI doctor in Boston to see if he can shed some light on the issue as well and thankfully we will have her scope appointment soon as well.
So for now, my fingers are crossed that she is going to be snoozing soundly within the next 15 minutes.... and I cant promise I wont be curled up right along side of her!
UPDATE: After a long afternoon yesterday and another hour of Layla screaming and me crying, my mother in law called us to remind us of an incident that took place the everning before. Sunday night we had gone to their house for dinner. The kids went to play in the playroom while the adults finished eating. Layla came out of the room with a cup that was not hers and it looked as though she had taken a drink of it (and who knows how many more before she had come out of the room). I yelled for Billy to grab the cup because we had no idea what was in it, but knew it was not hers. The verdict was spoiled milk from one of my nieces. Not only is Layla allergic to milk, but day old spoiled milk must have done a number on her tummy! No wonder why the poor kid was screaming in pain! Aye Carumba! She finally settled down around 9:30 last night and although she still woke 4 or 5 times, I was able to get her back down without a fuss and she didnt scream anymore. So hopefully after a good night's sleep tonight, we will have her back to our bouncing baby Layla! (Sigh) Of all the things... sheesh!
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