Well hasn't this been the week of up's and down's! Yesterday was such an insane day, I am not even sure where to begin! These past two weeks I have literally had a function or appointment every day after work. I know some people can go about their weeks running around like a chicken with it's head caught off, but I will be honest and say that I totally cant handle it and it stresses me out BIG TIME. To have something every day literally throws us all off schedule and I can never seem to get caught up or organized. The kids get overtired and it all turns into a big vicious circle of a mess. I will not ever pretend to be Superwoman.. it's certainly not me! To boot, Hannah has been off the wall, fresh, unruly, so much so that I couldnt even post because I didnt have anything very nice to say about her. Layla, as well seems to be in a down few weeks although I am not even sure really what is normal for her anymore. I have been trying to add some things back into her diet to see if we can maybe help along some of these food allergies. Some things she can seem to tolerate, other's, instant diarrhea. Needless to say that I had attributed some of her sleepless nights to belly pain compounded by teething.
So as for my ups? Well Lord knows I am so very excited to be heading to my piece of heaven on Saturday for a whole week. Block Island will surely cure my craziness blues! I know I will get everything done although it seems a bit overwhelming at the moment. Moreover, my dear husband bought me my dream stroller. Borrowing his sister's for Hannah's 7 mile BCH walk definitely did the trick and he won us a Bumbleride Indie Twin in Vita (HOT PINK)! We have been in bidding wars with a few strollers for the past several weeks and we are convinced that it is fixed and the owners spike up the bids. So yesterday was much the same. I bid the limit I was allowed and knew I had lost. I went to take Layla to the doctors for a weigh in and I came back to see that Billy had won the stroller??? To my amazement, he was trying to surprise me and bid over what he originally set for a limit. He wanted to see if he could put the stroller on the ferry and send it out to me on the island. IS HE THE BEST OR WHAT? Of course I ruined it by coming back and checking to see how much it sold for and saw his name next to it! All the same, I am THRILLED and cant wait! Finally, a stroller that serves all my needs! I like to walk long distances with the girls and every stroller I owned was horrible. You get what you pay for. I also like to use strollers on the beach and walk the beach and have the kids take their naps. This stroller does it all AND it fits through doorways.. It has complete sun shades and rain gear. I am a girl in all her glory! Did I mention it was HOT PINK? HA!
My downs? Billy informed me at 5:30 last night that he would be leaving for New Hampshire to work the rest of the week out. I was in shock. Yes, he needs to be working as he has hardly had any work and funds are tight. BUT THIS WEEK? I was so counting on him to watch the kids in the evenings so I could get all my errands, cooking and packing done. Moreover, I hate going on vacations without him! This is our ONE vacation a year and once again, I'll be without him. I did get over the shock of it all and saw the bright side .. he is working. AND he did make my lasagna for me as well. Hmmmm He must be going for the husband of the year award!!!
On another down note, I had had it up to my ear drums with the girls unruly behavior and decided to take them to the Treatment Center last night. This after already being to the Pediatrician for a weigh in I figured I would take them and just make sure they were alright seeing as the Block doesn't have the best health care facility out there. Low and behold, both girls had throat and ear infections. Can you stand it? I was totally stunned. This is only Layla's 3rd ear infection and I would have never guessed! Hannah, this is the first time she has ever had an ear infection with the tubes in. WHOA! Thank God I decided to take them. Of course I then I had the Mommy guilt because Hannah has been complaining about not feeling well for over a week now. I just thought she was exaggerating because when you ask her what's wrong, she says her belly, throat, and tooth every time! It's hard to take her seriously. UGH I felt like the worse Mom. So antibiotics are now being administered and I dragged the poor beans to the office today so I could keep on track with my work since I will be out all next week. Needless to say, I now know where the unruly behavior was coming from and had to sit them down and apologize for reprimanding them all week. I returned all the things I took away. Again.. Mommy guilt STINKS!
That's it in a nutshell. I am so anxious to get to that ferry I can hardly contain myself!
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