Oye.. I know I am being sentimental but there is just nothing I can do about it.. it's in my nature! I just cant believe that in a little over a month my preemie baby will turn 5! Where oh where did 5 years go? Billy and I were so nervous to have a baby and so many things had to be done.. and actually never got done due to her early arrival! And yet, here we stand, almost 5 years later with our lives dramatically changed and all for the better. What nonsense it was to be so scared to have a baby. Normal I know, but now looking back.. complete nonsense! If only we knew then the joy that this little girl was going to bring into our lives. It took us a while to get there and my poor baby endured enough pain to make my stomach turn when I think of it.. but we got passed all that and now here she is.. a little over a month away, from turning five. I have been begging her to turn three instead of five. Why can't we go backwards? Nope she says.. "I'm turning five and then I'm gonna be six and then seven." Oh dear Lord are there drugs for this sorta thing... because I am not dealing well!
After work yesterday we had to run to the Disney Store to pick up a few birthday gifts for the 2 parties we have this weekend for Han's girlfriends. We found these adorable princess nightgowns that had a message about friendship on them. I couldn't resist as they were perfect for the occasion and of course I couldn't deny Hannah one either. For $15 I thought it was a pretty great gift, especially since she had behaved the entire day at the office. It is so difficult not to indulge these little monkeys sometimes even when funds are low.. I have a very hard time saying no, especially after good behavior! Last night I gave the girls their baths and washed Hannah's hair. I took the tags off of the nightgown for her and let her put it on while I went downstairs to feed Layla. Minutes later she came bounding down the stairs and both Billy and I were just taken aback for a minute. We looked at each other and then I said, "OMG she is sooo beautiful!" and he replied, "I KNOW!" It was crazy. The colors of the nightgown against her glowing skin and bouncing curls just literally put us in awe. She's a girl! Not a baby, not a little girl.. but A GIRL! How did this happen? When did this happen???
Her "funny" for the day was when I was reading to her last night and it actually goes along with this whole post. After I got through book #5, she handed me a Cabbage Patch Kid book that my sister and I had shared when we were kids. (I had taken a few books down from the attic as Hannah has a reading list for the summer and I knew I had some of them up there.) Anyhow we open the book and out pop these cards addressed to Julie and I. I opened them up and it took me a minute but then I remembered what they were. Back in the day, the Cabbage Patch kids would receive birthday cards from Xavier Roberts (their creator). So here I am holding these 1st Birthday cards for the twins that Julie and I had owned and here is Hannah with a confused look on her face. It's that look when she scrunches up her nose and turns her head sideways. She then says, "Um Mom, this makes no sense, Cabbage Patch Kids don't grow up. How can they turn one?" I swear this child kills me on a daily basis. You see, me.. I would have been to caught up in my dream world of the Cabbage Patch Kid maybe coming to life to even question the fact of them getting any older. Not Hannah! Ah I love her to pieces! Why can't she be like the Cabbage Patch Kids and not grow up on me???????????????????? I must add here that the other night during nighttime reading as well, Hannah begged me to read her the Rainbow Brite book I also found in the attic. I opened it up and there was an inscription which read, "To Julie, on this very special day. Christmas 1985, all my love, Memere." I got pretty choked up as it had been five years since I had seen Memere's writing and it totally caught me off guard but it was special and comforting as well. Looks like we'll be giving that one back to Jules so that she can read it to Reanna. Thank you Memere, for reminding us how much you love us and for sending us angel kisses from heaven!
Layla on the other hand at 20 months is showing interest in the potty. I think she has gotten so use to seeing Mommy go "pee pee" 50 million times from all the water I have been drinking that she now rips off her diaper, yells "pee pee" and begs me to put her on the toilet. She has yet to actually go, but it is very funny all the same. I just feel like she is soooo tiny to be doing this already, yet at the same time I am trying to embrace it. Hannah was a tough one to train. Maybe Miss Layla cakes will be a cinch! Anyhow, it would probably be a good idea to go get her a potty to sit on in the near future. Do they even make underwear in size 18 months?
Alright.. my song for the day is Kenny Chesney's "There goes my life." I dont think I have posted it before.. sorry if I have! It just needs to be posted today!
All he could think about was I'm too young for this.
Got my whole life ahead. Hell I'm just a kid myself.
How'm I gonna raise one.
All he could see were his dreams goin' up in smoke.
So much for ditchin' this town and hangin' out on the coast.
Oh well, those plans are long gone.
And he said,There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
Might as well kiss it all good-bye.
There goes my life.......
A couple years of up all night and a few thousand diapers later.
That mistake he thought he made covers up the refrigerator.
Oh yeah..........he loves that little girl.
Momma's waiting to tuck her in,
As she fumbles up those stairs.
She smiles back at him dragging that teddy bear.
Sleep tight, blue eyes and bouncin' curls.
He smiles.....There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you, daddy good-night.
There goes my life.
She had that Honda loaded down.
With Abercrombie clothes and 15 pairs of shoes and his American Express.
He checked the oil and slammed the hood, said you're good to go.
She hugged them both and headed off to the West Coast.
And he cried,
There goes my life.
There goes my future, my everything.
I love you.Baby good-bye.
There goes my life.
There goes my life.
Baby good-bye.
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