I've still got me a sick little monkey. Turns out the 103 fever never did get better and by yesterday we headed to the doctor. She was having issues with breathing and her pulsox confirmed it. They did a neb treatment and there wasn't a change. We then went for a chest XRay and now we are back on prednisone, Zpack and round the clock Tylenol along with the treatments every four hours. Aye Carumba. She is breaking my heart. She looks so sad and so not herself. She is white as a ghost. I must ask her fifty million times a day if she is okay. She doesn't want to be away from me. I have to hold her 24/7 which coincidentally, I don't mind (Except when there is absolutely something I must do!). Last night, she had a two hour coughing spell that was so nasty she ended up vomiting several times. I slept in her bed with her and sent Hannah in with Billy. The baby ended up being up most of the night as well so there was not much sleep to be had and I am paying for it today. I feel as though I am coming down with a bit of a cold myself. I am hoping she will turn the corner with this and start to feel better. I have noticed some of the side affects of the prednisone already so hopefully another day or so and we will see our Layla back underneath all the crazy roid rage that comes along with the meds. It's so hard to see her so sick because there is nothing to the kids to begin with. She is skin and bones and I get so nervous about her. Keeping my fingers crossed and saying extra prayers that we can get her on the mend!
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