Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The swing of things

Well I will say that I had a productive weekend whipping the house into shape and getting organized for this school year.  There is still much more to do, but at least I started making progress!  I made the girls a little homework center where they can store their homework until it is finished and ready to be handed in.  Otherwise it tends to get lost in the shuffle of the mail and I am often searching frantically for it the night before.  Now they each have a folder, an array of writing utensils and paper for when they need it. 

I also got into Layla's drawers and began to go through her clothes.  With her it's difficult because she is still so tiny that a 3T still fits her.  Because she is tall however, the 4T fits her length but tends to be baggy in other areas.  So I tend to hold on to the smaller sizes and just pair it with leggins.  Thankfully this allows her many different options and we seriously love our hand me downs from Ant Denise.  I got into her flower basket as well.  We often tend to lose our favorite hair flowers and I am always searching everywhere for them.  I decided to organize them as best I could by clipping them to a long ribbon.  So much easier to find the color we want and Layla loves to be able to pick them out on her own in the mornings now.  Flowers are her trademark.  If you ask someone if they know her, they often say, "Oh the cute little girl with the flower?"  She still hardly has hair, so this is a must have accessory for us and one that I just feel is part of her and her personality.  She is my foofy flower baby girl!  I didn't realize the magnitude of my obsession with them until I began stringing them on the ribbon and actually seeing how many we have.  Slightly obsessed?

I also hung up ribbon for their school artwork.  They come home with so many beautiful pictures and projects that my fridge is just not big enough to display it all.  SO we created this ....

Monday, we ended up having a fabulous time after school.  I decided to not let my worry about dinner and getting it served on time bother me and I just ignored the fact that I needed to cook all together.  We got home, unpacked our bags and headed outside.  We played on the swing set.  We played ball.  Hannah and I played soccer and Layla became the hero when we kicked the ball over the fence into the neighbors yard.  Because she is a tiny bit, I was able to lower her over the fence to get it! LOL  It was so much fun just to let loose and play!  Cameron had a blast in the swing and the crazy man even goes down the slide and cracks up the whole way.  We came in at 5:30 and I somehow managed to put together a meal by 6:00.  It wasn't half bad either!  Steak Stir fry with white rice!  The best part was that the kids ATE it!  We are trying to get out of our macaroni and cheese, hot dog, hamburger, pasta every night routine.  I am trying to cook one meal.  One HEALTHY meal and have the whole family eat it.  This can be tough.  But I am on a mission!  They need to learn to eat healthy NOW and I need to be their example.  Here goes nothing!

Tuesdays.  Tuesdays are suppose to be my "day-off",  I can tell you that it is anything but a day off!  LOL  When I think of having a day off, I think about being lazy to wake.  I think about making breakfast for the kids but being able to make them something special like homemade waffles or pancakes.  I think about relaxing but doing something fun with the kids.  Slow moving day full of sunshine and rainbows.  Apparently, I live inside my head too much because that is SO not what my Tuesdays are like!  Instead, it's the hustle and bustle of getting the banana off to school, running to pick up Mom and then we are tossed into a whirl wind of "in the car, buckle car seats, out of the car, unbuckle car seats.  Running errands and going to eh market.  Layla dances from 1:00 - 2:00.  This is Cameron's nap time so we usually spend the hour chasing after him.  Then I drive around and try and get him to fall asleep in the car before we pick up Hannah from school.  Usually this is to no avail and Layla falls asleep instead.  We pick up Hannah from school and then go home to figure out dinner.  I make enough to send home with my parents and enough for my in laws to eat since they had to watch the kids this week while I had a 6:00PM appointment.  The glitch was that Hannah has dance from 5:00 - 6:30, so I drop her off and then come back to get the table set before I drop off Mom and head to my appointment.  My mother in law picks up Hannah from dance.. and so on until it is 10:00PM and I am completely exhausted!  Although.. dinner didn't come out too badly considering....

I did get to spend some time with Ana this week though and I just love this time we spend together.  I swear we could talk for hours.  I put the kids to bed and headed over to her house where we literally sat and talked for nearly four hours.  We sit outside in a stress free environment and just hash out life's problems.  The more I get to know her, the more I see how similar we are.  I am blessed to have her in my life and I swear God sent her to me at this crucial point when I really needed someone to make me feel like I haven't lost all my marbles.  Thank you Ana for "getting me".  For making me feel somewhat normal and for loving me for who I am. 

Hockey starts this weekend for Hannah and I am so excited to see her skate again.  I feel like it has been forever.  Billy took her to get some new gear since the squirt has outgrown everything!  Mommy's thrilled that she has a new helmet to wear as well.  I am anxious to see where she places and even more anxious to hopefully see her play some games this season.  I think Sunday will determine where we stand with all of that.  I am a little hesitant to see how many days a week it will tie up, but I am also excited to see her continue to excel at this sport. 

This is a picture of Layla's Family Project.  I think Hannah and I had more fun creating it than Layla did, but it certainly came out in the famous Layla style!  It's all about PURPLE!

This is a picture of Hannah from last weekend.  Auntie Jill, her personal shopper always tends to buy her EXACTLY what she loves to wear.  Uncle Dave and I agree that she often looks more like Elton John circa 1980... but just the same... I let her be who she wants to be... within reason of course.

Last but not least, here is a picture of the crazy, little Cameroni!  God I love him!  Even though I spend most of the day frantically chasing after him while trying to say a firm "NO"!  To which he laughs at me and continues to do the thing I am telling him not to do!  LOL

It's just me and the Ravioli at the office today and I am soaking her up.  The kid has had me in stitches most of the day.  Her current favorite songs are "I want to go all the way" by Brittany (oh boy), the oldie but goodie, "Who let the dogs out"  (she seriously makes me replay and replay it) and Foster the People's, "Pumped up Kicks."  She just decided that I must wear her flower and stuck it on my head....  my little booger..


I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their week.  Remember... September is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!  GIVE BACK!  It will warm your heart!  I promise!

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