We decided to head to Friendly's on Wednesday because Billy had promised Hannah an ice cream treat after school. However, he got called into work and wasn't able to keep the promise. So Mommy got to have a night off from cooking and take the kids! I also used the excuse that with Cam climbing on the stove, it was too dangerous to be cooking. Not sure if anyone bought that one, but it sounded logical to me. So me and the three kiddo's headed off to Friendlys. They were loud, crazy, silly, excited and all over the place. It's Friendlys for crying out loud! It drives me INSANE to see people who eat there without kids making faces about the noise level of people who are there with kids. IT'S FRIENDLYS. If you want a nice quiet, intimate, dinner, then go to some swanky restaurant. But if you're going to eat at Friendlys, then be prepared to be bombarded with kids... and NORMAL kid activity. I'm not obnoxious about it. I reprimand them when I should, but at the same time, I let them be kids. I clean up the tornado after we are done. I climb under the booth and even pick up the floor. So keep your faces and eye rolling to yourself. I've said my peace now. The best part about the night was when the kids got their balloons and decided to take them in the tub with them. I don't think I have ever seen the three of them laugh together so much. Cameron was in all his glory and chased that balloon all over the house. So much so that he tuckered himself right out and was practically asleep while I was lowering him into the crib!
Other than that, I am using this weekend to get us organized! I've got to get back on track and make our charts for school and get our homework center figured out and organized. We have to start Layla's family project. (How I LOVE her preschool and that they have these family projects!) Rooms need to be cleaned and clothes need to be gone through. Why are there only two days in a weekend? It just isnt enough time. Hannah starts CCD on Sunday and then we have Cha Cha and Braeden's birthdays. I'd also like to find a Saturday morning activity that I can do. I'm thinking about spinning. Just something that I can wake up and go to and get some stress out. I need to start exercising but I am known for being all gung ho and never following through. Give me a week and then I fall off the wagon. I wish I could make this a priority and get my but in gear but somehow it's something that I always fail at. I would really like to find a way to succeed at this. Any ideas? Pointers? Words of advice? I'll take anything just give it to me straight!
Here's a video of Cameron from the other day at the office. I think I have watched it a million times and still manage to crack up at him. Not sure if it was either the pink pack n play or Foreigner, but he just was not in a napping mood!
Don't forget! September, is National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month!!!
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