Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Friday, September 30, 2011

Hockey Mom, here I come!

Han made Mite C's!  We are thrilled!  I had frantically been checking the site all day yesterday praying they would put the roster up.  By 8:30 last night I was getting pretty frustrated about seeing no results.  I jumped in the shower and as I was getting out I received a text from Billy (who was laying with the girls at the time).  It said that she didn't make it.  I panicked and logged on the site all while thinking how would we ever tell her that she didn't make it, I saw her name... relief!  Turns out that when Billy had logged on, all of the results were not up yet.  Poor kid really thought she didn't make it so he was thrilled to then log on and see her name.  He was pacing our bedroom freaking out.  We went right in and told Hannah who was SO EXCITED!  She was jumping up and down on the bed while Layla somehow stayed asleep as her head bounced up and down!  It took a while to settle Han down enough to get her to sleep... but finally she did.  I really am so excited to see her compete and play on a team.  I cant wait to cheer her on!  I am so very proud of my little monkey.  She is going to do great things!  I can feel it!  Bitter sweet baby girl.  Go get em!

My Layla cakes has come down with yet another cold.  Although I cant complain because she has made it through 3 weeks of school and this is the first time I have had to keep her home (well at work with me).  Unfortunately when the bug gets a cold, it turns into this whole stinking asthma episode.  So we are upping her inhalers and asthma meds and keeping her on a good dose every two hours in order to get her through it quickly.  I have been sleeping with her the past two nights because she wakes up and has a tough time breathing.  At least if I am there then I can give her a dose of her inhaler and get her calmed down quickly.  I'd like to avoid the steroids at all costs if I can.  She has a little fever that I am hoping is just part of the cold and asthma episode and nothing more because did I mention that my baby girl is about to turn FOUR in less than a week? Layla Grayce Viola... turning FOUR??????????????????  Ohhhhhhhhhh what I wouldn't do to keep this little cuddle bug LITTLE forever!  Stop growing up on me Layla!!!!  As hard as it is to see her grow, it is also bitter sweet to see her getting healthier.  I am thrilled that she has survived three weeks of preschool without any major illnesses.  Last year, she made it to one day and then that was it.  She couldn't get healthy enough to go back.  So as sad as I am to see her grow up on me, it's also a great feeling to watch her grow healthier and stronger.  Keep going Layla Baby!  Ironically this birthday will be all about a girl called Rapunzel who has three feet of hair... considering my birthday girl has barely an inch of hair, I feel it is fitting!  Happy almost Birthday cupcake!

Mr Cameroni is doing GREAT after his tube surgery!  He was a good sleeper to begin with.  However, the last several months he would wake in the middle of the night and cry out.  He would still put himself back to sleep fairly quickly, but I am noticing that since the surgery, he is sleeping like a brick all night long.  He is even sleeping later in the mornings.  Yipeee!  Moreover, he just seems to be happier all around.  I bet that fluid built up was really bugging him and now he feels sooo much better!  My little crazy booger!  If we can just keep him from doing the Superman off of any high surface, we will be all set!

I did manage to get to my favorite salon yesterday.  I seriously love TWIRL!  Note to self however, do not try and touch up your own roots!  Poor Sarah had to dye my hair DARK in order to match it.  Over the counter dyes... BAD!  When will I learn?  So now instead of a redhead, I am currently a brunette! LOL  I dont mind one bit and actually like the change!  It's only hair.  I can't thank my inlaws enough for making this possible though.  If it werent for them watching the kids, I would have never made it to this appointment and I sooo needed this appointment.  So thank you Mom and Dad M!  xo

Onward towards a weekend full of hockey!  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend.  Don't forget, today is September 30th.  It may be the last day of the month, but there is still time to give back!  46 new children are diagnosed with cancer every day.  You can help change that!  It can be as simple as ordering this great COOKBOOK.  Host your own bake sale and get your community involved.  September may be childhood cancer awareness month, but the battle is all year round.  Help find a cure!  Let's make a difference!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Cam did great!

We are home and my little moose did a great job!  We were at the ENT center by 6:30am and he only cried a bit in the car on the way.  The poor little boog is use to having his milk and breakfast early.  Once there, we checked in and everything else went like clock work.  This may have been Cam's first time, but this is actually my 6th experience with ear tube surgery thanks to Hannah's now 4th set in and Layla has a set in as well.  He was able to run (and I mean run) around the waiting area for an hour before they took him back to get ready.  The secretaries were hysterical at me chasing him to and fro.  He did not stop.  This one certainly keeps me on my toes!  Once in the back we played Tot games on the Iphone (he works it better than me!) and we talked to the Nemo and Dory stickers on the wall.  By the time they took him, he was definitely restless and rearing to go.  (And I was quite exhausted!)  This may have been what helped me get through the anesthesia with no tears this time!  LOL  He did great, although he put up quite a fight.  The nurses were stunned at his strength and I was thrown right back in time when I did this with Hannah the first time.  Cam is strong, yes, but it took 4 nurses, a doctor and myself to restrain Hannah for the mask her first and second time!  (By the third time, I demanded sedatives!)  It was over quickly and I was off to the waiting area to wait.  I nearly got 5 minutes to update Billy via text when Dr. Gibson came out to let me know he did great!  LOVE her!  Did I mention she has the same birthday as Cam?  Good omen right there!  He did have fluid in his ears but they were not infected.  Hopefully this will give the Cameroni some relief now!  I went back to recovery and heard him crying from down the hall.  He looked at me and begged me to pick him up.  We sat and snuggled but it wasn't until he got his bottle of milk that he really calmed down and rested.  We continued to snuggle for a bit and then we were sent on our way.  He fussed a bit in the car and then zonked out!  He is in his cozy crib as I post and I am glad that he is able to rest.  So all in all another great experience at the ENT Center for us! 

Billy seemed to managed the girls well although I had a total brain lapse and forgot to leave him the car seats.  Where is my head?  I am usually so on top of that stuff!  UGH!  Apparently Layla left the house in a Fall outfit, although the thermometer currently reads 82 degrees.  She is going to be a little toasty today, but I am thankful that she at least left the house clothed.  Anxious to pick them up from school today and give them kisses.  Praying there are no accidents for Layla either.  Have we talked Potty Talk yet?   Have I told you how much I DESPISE it?  When my friends ask me about clues and helpful hints to this little chore called potty training, I automatically tell them I have no clue.  Seriously.  I struggled with Hannah in the beginning.  I gave up at 2 and a half years.  The little stinker use to do potty on her bed on purpose when we would try and discipline her!  It was like an "Oh yeah, well get this!"  However, she woke up on her third birthday and just decided today was the day.  That was it.  She never had an overnight accident.  She just did it.  Layla showed interest at 18 months.  Did it here and there for a few months and then wanted NO part of it and has literally never wanted any part of it since.  The child has peed all over our entire house.  From rugs, to beds, to couches.  You name it.  We have scrubbed every inch of our house at one point or another.  Many items have been tossed.  I was really stressing the being potty trained before school bit.  Although about 3 weeks prior to her starting school, she began doing much better.  By the time school rolled around, she was golden.  Or so I thought.  She had two accidents last week at school.  The teachers were not pleased.  Although I felt defensive about this, I do realize that she has to get it at one point or another.  Her problem is that she doesn't want to stop what she is doing to go.  As I have said before, she is also on the younger side emotionally.  She also is a water-aholic.  I really think it is just going to take her a bit longer to get it down pat.  I know people have many different views in regards to this.  I make no opinions or judgements on others.  I just know me and I know my child.  She will get it when she is ready.  If I were to frantically follow her around for a solid week asking her every two seconds to use the bathroom, she would totally rebel.  She will do it on her time and I do very much still feel as though there is a little time left for her to get it.  Personally, I think two accidents in three weeks of school is hardly that bad at all.  I have faith.  God help me though, when it is Cam's turn!  I'd keep them in diapers til they were four if it were up to me! 

Layla has finally decided on her Halloween costume.  Can you tell?  It's fitting.  A princess with no hair, would like 3 feet of hair!

Hannah's turn at it.  Hannah Montana? 
 (Thank you Target parking lot for providing our back drop!)

An early birthday gift that hasn't left her side!

I love him!  Snuggle butt!

Layla jumping at the Apple fest yesterday!  Decked out in her Cha Cha gear!  Wish I had some pics of Hannah climbing the rock wall.  I will post the video soon! 

Cam, in Mommy's glam, getting ready for tube surgery this morning!

Cam & Mommy!  (I think I was sweating from chasing him all around at this point!)

Sleepy little boy on the way home!

Hannah's art work
Apparently I am missing a leg.  I think Layla had something to do with that.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


Cam goes for ear tube surgery in the morning. He gets the hat trick as all three kids will now have them! I should be use to this by now but I truly despise watching them go under anesthesia. Praying he does well and it's over in no time! I'll update tomorrow! Say a little prayer that all goes well and my little man will feel much better without those pesky ear infections! (and that Billy survives drop offs with the girls!)

Don't forget to check out Http:// for some great deals this week!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What better way to give back during September's Childhood Cancer Awareness Month?  I was sent this link via a dear friend.  What a WONDERFUL cause and a fantastic way to get your kids, families and community involved in helping to find a cure for childhood cancer!  I am so on this.  Cookbook is already ordered!  The wheels are spinning as to how I can give this the most exposure and settling on a good date for a bake sale.  How excited I am to rally my community and do this!  Let's go people!  Look around you and realize what you have and then realize it is time to pay it forward!

If I havent struck a chord with you then maybe these faces will.  These are only a handfull of the BEAUTIFUL children who are no longer with us because we have yet to find a cure for this demon!  YOU can help change that!  (A CHILD DIES FROM CANCER EVERY 4 HOURS!!!!!)











Again, these are just a FEW of the beautful children who are now playing amongst the angels.  Whose families are left behind to try and sort out their lives without their little love bugs.. Let's make a difference!  Together, WE CAN DO THIS!

Monday, September 19, 2011

How much fun can you have in a Halloween store????

Hannah and Kenzie, best buds.  They left the house looking one way... and we picked them up looking.. well ... quite identical!  These two have been friends since they were tots at preschool!

Monsters vs Aliens?

Give me some sugar Fozzy!

Rasta Reggae Woman!

Strike a pose...

All I can think of when I see this is "Tiki Tiki Kawasaki Sony Sony Subaru... my SHS Chorus will know what I am talking about!

Charlie Sheen anyone?  Apparently the one on the left couldn't take the smell...LOL

NFL.. watch out!

The girls finally met the Biebs!!!!

Back on track

Happy Monday!  Happy "chill" in the air!  LOVE IT!  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my summers.  I love the beach, the grilling, the lazy mornings, the non hecticness of rushing kids off to school and all the other awesomeness that comes with summer.  The Fall though, I LOVE the Fall!  The cool, crisp air.  The apple picking.  Cider and pumpkins.  The colors of the trees.  The back to schedules and routines.  I always feel like it's a fresh start!  Like we are back on track and life is good!  So Happy Fresh Start and Happy FALL!  Officially in only a few more days!

We had a fantastic weekend which kicked off with Disney's Princesses on Ice.  This was fantastic and most definitely the best Disney production on ice we have ever seen.  What a wonderful job they did and the girls and I had a blast.  I was just as awe struck as they were, if not more.  We loved it and Tangled was by far our favorite with Princess and the Frog coming in at a close second!  It was so nice to spend the time with the girls and my beautiful nieces, minus one.  I love you Stella and in another year or so Auntie will take YOU! 

Saturday morning we woke up and got into hockey mode.  Hannah skated for the first time in a few months and to be honest, she did better than I expected.  It was also nice to not have the dance schedule interfere with us being at the rink and now I am able to actually go and watch her.  Well, intend to watch her but mostly I am running like maniac woman all over the rink chasing a certain little moose.  The kid is mass destruction on wheels!  It is so funny!  After hockey we came home and had just enough time to pull out the Fall decorations and adorn the house before my dear friend Tracey came over.  I can't believe it has been a year since I have seen her last.  I finally got to meet her little man and soak up some little Leah time as well.  I don't know how this time flies and days pass so quickly and a whole year goes by but damn I wish I could find more time to spend with the people I truly care about and miss so much!  It was so great to be in her company and catch up!  I have some of the world's best friends and even though I many not see you as often as I would like.  I do love you all so much!  Love you Trace!

Sunday, I got up early and took Hannah to Mass without the two little ones this time.  I wont even begin to get into how last Sunday went with me taking Cam.  I think I am going to have to wait a little while before taking him again because I nearly got kicked out of church.  So this Sunday it was just Han and I and it was great to actually be able to listen and pay attention.  I love that this Mass is a children's Mass and they are able to go up to the Alter for the Gospel.  The Gospel is geared towards the children.  This week's was all about how they shouldn't be jealous of their friends if their friends have something they don't.  Or if a friend does better on a test.  I loved this and it was one Hannah needed to hear as she often gets jealous over these things.  Hoping it hit home and reassured her to be happy for her friends when they do better and so on.

After Church and dropping Han off at CCD, I scooted back home to make the meatballs and gravy.  Yummy Fall Italian Sunday dinners.  Miss Layla helped and Cam tore apart the kitchen as we did so.  We even had time to sit down and color and create some masterpieces.  Layla and I made a Halloween chain so that we can rip off a link each day until it's Halloween!  We also drew and colored a pumpkin and Hannah and I created a crazy witch.  We ate and got ready for the rink again.  Han did excellent and we are so hoping she makes the Mite C's this year.  Tryouts are next week and we are keeping our fingers crossed.  She has grown so much and has matured so much that I am really getting excited to see her punch it up to the next level.  See her compete and really get into the game.  I cant wait to cheer her on from the stands.  Yes, I will be that annoying mother with the cowbell screaming her pants off.  And no, I wont care what people will think about it because that is my baby girl!  My baby girl that got a second chance at this life and I couldn't be more proud of her!  She's out there kicking butt along side the boys!  What's better than that?  You go baby girl!

We came home to watch my beloved Patriots kick the pants off the Chargers.  All I can say is Vince Wilfork.  That was the highlight of the game.  End of story!  LOL 

Onward to another fun week!  I can't wait to chaperone Layla's little Field trip on Wednesday!  It's going to be a blast!  God Bless and enjoy this awesome weather!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Family Night

Last night was the Banana's Family Night at her elementary school.  Luckily, I was able to get Papa and Nonnie to come over for dinner and trick them into babysitting so that Billy and I could run to the school!  (Not like they minded one bit)  We put Cameron down before we left, since he is still suffering from a nasty cold and drove over to the school.  Upon pulling up, we immediately saw Mr. Meagher in front of the school handing out the agenda for the evening.  Right away, I knew this was going to be a good night.  To be honest, Billy had no idea who he was because he had not met him yet and actually thought he was a politician.  That's how not familiar he is with having a principal visible to parents.  (It also means that Mr. Meagher dresses to the nines and always looks so presentable)  Mr Meagher shook our hands and wished us well as we entered the building.  (PS:  You have to hear Layla razz on his name.  I literally belly laugh when she does it.  It's pronounced "Ma-Ha" so she does this spooky voice and calls him Mr. MAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH) 

For the first time ever, I felt surrounded by a great number of parents that I admired and respected.  I have gotten to know many McGuire Families in the past two years and I was thrilled to have made special bonds with a great group of people.  I don't know if it was the chill in the air or just different vibe I have been feeling since the start of school, but I was literally excited for the evening.  I swear it has to do with Mr. Meagher's presence.  We sat and listened to Mr. Meagher's introduction speech and enjoyed it very much.  He was enthusiastic and informative.  He held our attention.  What a nice change of pace.  He introduced the teachers and our PTA President.  (Yes folks, I have already joined and I am delighted to be chairing the first annual Ladies Choice dance.)  Then we were onward to Mrs. Boyce's classroom.

When Hannah first entered McGuire, she was to have Mrs. Boyce for Kindergarten teacher.  I had heard great things about Mrs. Boyce and after formally meeting her, liked her instinctively.  Things got shuffled around and Mrs. Boyce moved to second grade.  Hannah ended up having Miss Geremia, the now Mrs. Thomas.  We were lucky.  We loved Miss Geremia and she was the perfect teacher for Hannah to have upon entering grade school.  She was loving and kind and very approachable.  Well, we are just as thrilled to have Mrs. Boyce.  She has all these same qualities and we were thrilled upon entering the classroom.  What an array of beautiful projects, artwork, decorations and journals for us to see.  I had to remind myself that this is only the 3rd week of school and look how much they have accomplished!  We truly were blown away with Hannah's pieces and both Billy and I are extremely enthusiastic about this upcoming year.  Mrs. Boyce is a doll.  Very easy to talk too and she just has that familiar face about her.  We are so happy that this is the teacher Hannah has for second grade.  To the moon!  I really do feel a change taking over.  I pray that this change continues and McGuire gets back on track so that Hannah can benefit from all she should at an good elementary school.  Cheers to a positive year at McGuire!

Tonight we are heading to the Princesses on Ice!!!!  The girls and their Girl Cousins!  Ohhhhh we cant wait!  We are sure to have a blast!

Here are some of Han's pieces...

This was at Hannah's chair. 
DIE for it!  From the hair to the purple nailpolish!

This was her self portrait. I mean.. the kid is good!

Her Bio Bug

Her Dino's Shopping List

The silly story the parents left the class!

and my personal FAVORITE.....  (Hannah and Makenzie's)  Need I even say more?  The Botox Family meets KFC!

Do I even need to comment on this pic of my baby boy?  My handsome man the Patriot's fan?  He is so freaking cute I could bite his cheeks off!

This was a belated birthday gift from Uncle Ra Ra and Auntie Mimi!  They got it JUST RIGHT! xo

Happy Friday!!!!  Enjoy this GORGEOUS weather!