Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Just a quick update for you all who are keeping my little Layla in your prayers! (I have a pile of work on my desk and with maternity leave just around the corner.. there is no rest for the weary!) We saw Dr. Sowa today. She walked into the room quite fittingly saying, "and the saga continues.." I had to laugh because my Lord this is so true between all of the health issues my 2 princesses have had! I will also add.. I just LOVE Dr. Sowa!

The good news is that an oncologist looked at Layla's blood smears and felt as though there was nothing to be concerned about. Praise the Lord! He does however, want us to do a follow up blood draw on Monday to make sure that her white count is coming back up and things are getting back into proportion. Dr. Sowa agrees as I will feel much better when I see those numbers back where they should be. This news however, was such a weight off of my shoulders. You can't imagine the place I was in yesterday when things are being tossed out there as to why her white blood cells could be so low. Things a parent NEVER wants to hear!

The blood cultures look normal up to date and even if they came back with anything positive, she has already been treated in the hospital yesterday with antibiotics so that would take care of that.

So this leaves us with this nasty virus that just decided to take on Layla's white blood cells and mess with them. Dr. Sowa is leaning towards something like Mono and actually called the hospital to see if they had enough blood to do the test. Unfortunately, the didnt. Yet, when we go for the white blood cell test, we will add this one on as well on Monday. She thinks that the fact that Layla still has a fever 8 days in and isnt eating or isn't herself, that this could be the road we go down. I can handle that.. I can surely handle that!

Today I am in a much better place with all of this. I could barely sleep a wink last night tossing around all the "what if's" but I am so grateful and thankful the Lord has answered my prayers. Thank you for sending us yours! They worked and hopefully will continue to work in getting this little ravioli feeling better so she can meet her new brother or sister soon!

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