Well I certainly feel like I am being tested lately. No sooner do I get one child healthy, the other seems to have fallen ill. She kept coming off the ice at hockey on Saturday which is quite unlike her. Billy and I thought she was just tired from spending the night at Grammy's or anxious to take our ride to Matunuck. Yet once she got home and I felt her forehead, I knew differently. After registering a temperature of 103.9, it was on the couch with Motrin for her. She is only complaining of a sore throat, which reminded me that a notice was sent home last week stating that there was a case of strep throat in her class, Last night was rough as even though I was up every hour checking on her, the Motrin was wearing off long before it's time and she actually ended up getting a temp of 104.7. I spent an hour sponging her down with a cool facecloth while she lie in bed because I was so darn nervous. I know doctors say that fevers aren't harmful and yaddah yaddah.. but I dont care.. anything above 104 FREAKS ME OUT! She did end up vomiting last night as well, however, it was only once. I am wondering now if it was due to her fever being so high?
Today her spirits were much better and she had more of her bubbly self about her. I was able to control the fever better this afternoon. Unfortunately, I couldnt let her go to her picture day for dance. I feel horrible that she wont be posed next to her classmates on the wall of the studio. It broke her heart and mine, but what could I do? I'll just have to schedule a shoot at the studio and do them myself when she is feeling better. We spent much of the day just being lazy and I made sure she drank a bunch and had however many Popsicles she asked for. I did catch up on all the laundry as well.
Tonight, here we sit again with a high fever (104.3) and I have a feeling we are in for another very long night. I am going to take her in the morning to the pediatrician and get a strep test done. I hope that is what we are dealing with and after a dose or two of antibiotic we will be headed for better days. I don't think I can handle another 11 day mystery disease. Speaking of which, I am going to need to get Layla to the lab tomorrow to make sure her blood work checks out as well. She seems to be doing much better and is back to my happy little Layla Grayce!
I feel a bit battered and beaten myself. The long nights of not sleeping are taking their toll. I just want these kids healthy before it is time for me to leave them for two nights. I know I will go nuts if I should go into labor and have to leave them behind not well. Staying positive however, that we will rid all of these germs and be on our way to a healthy summer. I am saying my prayers for sure. Something has to give.. it's MAY for crying out loud! I am keeping it in perspective though, there are people who are faced with so much more...
I am asking for prayers for a very special little boy. Andrew Frezza. I am going to post more about Andrew when I have more than a few minutes to type, but please, pray for this little boy and for his family as he endures yet another fight for his life. This family has been through more than their share of heartache and Andrew truly exudes the word hero in my book. He surely can use all the prayers you could offer! Thank you dearly.
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