My Hannah funny for the week: As we were getting settled at Church on Sunday, I leaned over and reminded Hannah to say her prayers. She knelt down beside me and said, "Yeah.. I prayed before Mommy and it worked!" Of course I then asked her to explain a bit more and she told me that she had prayed at Church one Sunday that her friend Nicholas would be back in school on Monday.. and he was! (He had been out sick the previous week.) My heart smiled. I can't even put into words the amazing personality Hannah has and the way she thinks. At times it can be so very funny but at the same time it is so sincere. My miracle baby...growing up by the minute.
Speaking of babies.. I have a few things to say on the subject! My girls have been introduced to this Justin Beiber character and I honestly have to listen to "Baby" at least 500 times a day. It is quite comical and Layla has even begun to use pretend microphones. SHE IS TWO! I have tried to put it into perspective by comparing him to what the New Kids on The Block were for me, but I still don't get it. I'm not supposed to though, am I? I'm a mom now! The song is very cute and that is why I have allowed it and they certainly have a ball dancing around the house to it. Mental note, I must get that on video and share!
Secondly.. girlfriend Ana (Nicholas's Mom) has just announced that she is also pregnant with her third! This is very exciting news and we are all so very happy for her and her family! I was thrilled when she told me yesterday and how wonderful that our two beans will be a little over 4 months apart! Looking forward to seeing her belly grow!!
Lastly.. babies.. WELCOME HOME BABIES!
Cooper Joseph Tsonos was born on April 7th weighing in at 7lbs 15 oz and after a bit of a scary start at life I am thrilled to announce that he is home and doing well! Congrats Tsonos family!
Kaeden Kievenaar Manni was born April 9th weighing in at 7lbs 2 oz. Congrats Manni family!
I wish both families the best as they enjoy their new little miracles! Ahhh there is nothing more exciting than bringing home your newborn! Welcome to the world baby boys!
Lastly, I will leave you with Layla Cakes wearing Cha Cha Belle I apologize that the picture is not so great as I took it with my cell phone, but she was too cute not to pass up!
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