I can now cross "paint the girls' room" off my list. It is painted and it is PINK! LOL Nonnie picked out the color and although I thought it may be a little bright, once put on the walls it does look just adorable and very fancy! (Hannah was THRILLED) Especially up against the white closet doors and with the purple accents. It was so nice to spend an afternoon with Mom and have some quality time with her, no interruptions. We had a bunch of laughs and well let's just say a few spills as well. Thankfully, Billy and I were planning on taking up the girls' rug and replacing it with hardwoods in the near future anyway. So those pink and white marks will only have to be seen for a few months. In all honesty, they make me laugh when I see them and they make me think of the afternoon I spent with Mom making memories.
I hung up the "Hannah" and "Layla" letters above their bed. I do want to change the ribbon on Layla's name letters as they dont seem to match in the pink room now, but that is a simple task that I can do at any time. I was going to take pictures to post but I would rather wait until it is completely done and looking perfect before I do. For now, just imagine a very fancy, girly, bright pink room! All that's left is to hang up the wall hangings and get that "Sister" photo shoot done hopefully sometime next week when Layla's eye has healed. I plan to do a black and white shoot, however, bring out the pink in their tutu's and bows. (I love photoshop!) It doesnt get much more girly than that!
Speaking of Layla's eye, it is healing. Granted it is a million colors at the moment, but I am feeling much better about it. I am praying that it goes away quickly because it still makes me feel just awful looking at it. Yet again, I know this is only the first of many bumps and bruises to come. Health wise she has had a so so week. She has not been herself but I can't seem to put my finger on what exactly is bugging her. She has been extremely cranky and has had an on and off fever. I am thinking a little virus since I see no other signs of anything else it could be. (Her throat looks fine as well as her ears). It's most likely one of those "mystery" Layla viruses and in a few days she will be back to herself. Hannah on the other hand has been spectacular all week! She has been in a great mood, very helpful and has had a great attitude all week long. We have managed to do something fun with each day even if it were something small. Monday was Toys R Us, Tuesday was Cool Licks with the Tsonos's, Wednesday she spent the afternoon with Papa, Ju Ju and Reanna at the park, Thursday she spent the day with Grammy and cousins Arielle and Addison and today she is back with Papa as Billy and I have cousin Matthew's wedding in Newport. So all in all we can say she had a good week!
I had an appointment with the baby doctor yesterday and all is moving along well. June Bug is growing and the heart rate was 140 while he or she was awake! I am only measuring one week ahead which is normal for me as I measured a few weeks ahead with Miss Layla and she only ended up being 8lbs 7 oz a week late so I am not worried there. I still can't believe I only have SEVEN weeks left! Whoa, where did that time go? It seems like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with the bug! Now we are closing in on the time when I am going to meet this baby! I truly can't wait and I am feeling that anticipation all over again for the third time! Let's hope I can keep my motivation going and get everything done that needs to be before this miracle baby arrives! Have a wonderful weekend!
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