Hannah is going to the ENT today to see what our options are and if the ear has begun to heal yet. It is still draining at this point. Her pediatrician also recommends that we push for an MRI of the ear to see if that Eustachian tube could be deformed from her history with the hemangiomas. I truly believe that is the culprit causing all of these issues at which point we will have to figure out a more permanent tube type solution.
I was able to get Hannah an appointment today at 4PM. Unfortunately this coincided with my ultrasound so thankfully Billy was able to get Han to the appointment. He was a trooper bringing both girls in the pouring rain and traffic. I wrote down a list of questions and here is what we know so far:
First and foremost the doctor wants her tubes back in ASAP. (Round 3 of tubes is scheduled for June 30th currently, but I am going to try and move that up as we will be on the island at that time.) Thrilled about this however, as when those tubes are in, we are symptom free!
Secondly, he does not feel as though she will have any long term hearing loss or issues. He feels as though this is completely a fluid issue. Her ears looked to be healing which means the antibiotic is working however, there is still fluid which would contribute to her still having discomfort. Speaking of which, I did get a call at the end of the day from the school saying she was having some minor pain in her ear. I was able to get a form from the school nurse which the ENT filled out for me so that they may administer Motrin in cases where Hannah may be in some discomfort. I truly dont want her missing any more school because of this and the Motrin certainly seems to help.
Lastly, he agreed on getting the MRI and I am calling the pediatrician tomorrow to have them schedule one. It IS quite possible that the Eustachian tube is what is causing all of this and if that is the case then we will have to discuss a long term solution but for now, the tubes will rectify the issue. FINALLY PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO LISTEN TO MY THEORY! Whooo Hooo!
So all in all, a good appointment at the ENT. Now.. does anyone have any sedatives to give to Hannah for when she comes out of the anesthesia? YIKES! Not looking forward to that! LOL She is a year older and a year stronger.. she is going to kick the ever living you know what out of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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