Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It never fails that the week after Christmas I get sick.  This year, I am once again SICK!  It was bound to happen with the schedule I had been keeping and the running myself ragged trying to get everything done.  My immune system is always worse this time of year anyhow.  I dont think the girls are well either and I have an appointment at the pediatrician to have them checked as well.  I am suspecting an ear infection for Hannah as her behavior has been quite unruly and so unlike herself the past several days.  (In her case, I truly hope it is an ear infection or we are going to have to start really coming down on her and her attitude)  Layla has had an on an off fever so best to get them both checked before we go into the New Year's weekend.  As for me, I will have to stick this one out.  No antibiotics with the little one growing inside of me! 

Christmas was wonderful this year!   Mostly because Billy made it home for most of the festivities.  We were finally able to meet up with him at his parent's house Christmas Eve at around 8:00pm.  The girls were so excited to see him that we ended up letting them stay up much longer than we anticipated.  I dont think they got to sleep before 10:30!  Thankfully, I was organized enough that Billy and I had everything out and set to go by 11:30 pm.  I cant tell you the many Christmas Eve's that we have been up well past midnight putting everything together.  This year was so much easier!  Christmas morning was spectacular and watching the girls wide eyed with wonder and amazement was truly magical.  Layla is at such a fun age this year that she was completely enthralled with all of her gifts.  Hannah was so excited to receive her pink hockey stick from Santa and she too, still makes it all magical!  We spent the day with Grammy and Grampy and then the evening with my family and all went nice and smoothly.  The rest of the weekend was spent visitng with family and celebrating the holidays. 

And now, here we sit, with it all over.  I always hate this feeling.. the after Christmas letdown.  It has affected me ever since I was a kid.  It is so depressing.  I absolutely despise taking down the decorations.  You might think I would be ready too since we have had them up since the beginning of November this year!  Nope, I still dont like it.  Poor Hannah began to cry when I started putting some things away.  My heart broke for her because to be honest, I wanted to cry too!  There is still so much more to do and the house is quite the mess these days with the kitchen repairs in full swing.  I will be thankful when it is all over and I have my house back!  Next on the agenda is figuring out how to take the tree down without Billy.  Not sure if I am going to be able to hack that one. 

Sleep has been on the "not so much" list these days as well.  Which I am sure is contributing to how terrible I am feeling.  The girls have had a tough time sleeping as have I.  Although, the other morning I woke to Layla crying at 4:00AM and then had a real tough time getting back to sleep because for the first time, I could feel the bean moving all about!  He or she was having a boxing match in there and as tired as I was, it is still such a wonderful feeling to be able to actually feel your child moving around inside of you.  I really am trying to take it all in and hold onto it for as long as I can.  I know all too soon that there will be a day when I will miss being pregnant and being able to bond with my child in such a special way.

What I wouldnt do to have Billy back home today!  Hopefully he will get out early enough to make it back home at a decent hour tomorrow.  I pray that he stays safe driving.  It is always a worry of mine.  Hopefully only a few more weeks of him working up North and then we will have him back.  Oh how much more I appreciate him these days!

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