Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Thursday, May 7, 2009

100% Country

I have decided to blurb instead of blog today. Is there a difference? I'm not sure but I always thought blogging had more of a story line to it and blurbing was more of a thought process. Is blurbing a word? Not sure, but I am owning it and using it! HA! Chalk it up to me being completely sleep deprived or undeniably clever. Whichever you choose. My blurb today is going to be about Country Music, how it ties in with my baby girls and here goes nothing!

Growing up a dancer I have always been very attached to music and all it's elements. Anything that caught my heart and soul I would hold onto. Back then I would make mix tape after mix tape and hell I wouldnt leave home without them. People always ask that question, "If you could take one thing on a deserted island, what would it be?" For me, it would be music. I sincerely believe that I would die without it.

This being said the one thing you have to know about me is that I have always had crazy taste in music. It is seriously all over the board. From Broadway to Hip Hop to good ol' Rock n Roll, I have always loved it all. If it moved me, then I was in. So understand that country music was in this mix growing up as well. I was in the minority as most of the kids I went to High School and College with fell into 1 of two categories, Rock or Hip Hop. I remember going to this club that had four or so floors and something like 8 different rooms and levels which all played different style music. I would have to do some serious begging for my friends to hop on over to the top floor where they would be playing line dance music. And it was usually only after they were severely intoxicated that I would succeed in doing this.

Fast forward sem odd years and here I am. A crazed country music fan. I think it actually happened pretty much by accident. Hannah banana was a smart little baby and was speaking in sentences by the age of two. She would listen and pick up on everything. EVERYTHING! I had to quickly learn to stop saying "Fongule" shortly after I caught her saying it! I use to listen to a few different radio stations but at this point I was getting extremely frustrated with the language that was in the songs. These were everyday Mom and Pop stations I was listening too and I was a little disturbed when I would hear, "I'm in love with a stripper." ??? Excuse me, WHAT? It was in sheer frustration one day that I said enough is enough and turned on the local country music station. Right away the sound of Rascal Flatts put me at ease and Hannah quickly became a huge fan of Kenny Chesney's, "She thinks my tractor's sexy." It didnt take long for me to fall in love with everything country music had to offer.

What I like most about country music are the story lines. I dont think I have ever heard a song that I couldnt, somehow, someway, relate to my life. It is raw, it is real and it is true. For some reason it can touch my soul in ways that no other type of music can. Moreover, I love the fact that so many songs are dedicated to what life is really all about. It puts me right into that family zone. I love the places that country music can take me. I love the soft fuzzy love songs and I love the real American rock songs. I love most the songs where an artist talks about their babies and watching them grow. Those get me good. No matter what, they all make me visualize my dream house with the front porch on a farm. Those warm summer nights with friends and family.

If only I could get Billy to find an undying love for the same. He doesnt share my same passion for music. It doesnt move him and we often have ipod switching wars! I have however made him fall in love with my farmhouse idea. It was completely by accident one day when we were "House a for saling" and we came across this gorgeous old farmhouse with a huge barn. Stand still knock down fell in love with this place and the barn.. oh it was amazing and I could totally picture having Thanksgiving dinner in this barn all decorated with lights. Nevermind the fields and fields of land. How badly I would love for my girls to experience this life. Learn to ride horses and experience the true beauty in nature. I could totally see them running in those fields chasing butterflies! Bottom line, Billy and I couldnt have afforded that house and the updates we would have needed to do even if we had robbed a bank. Yet, all is not lost because it did bring us to the realization that we were on the same page when it came to the style house we both loved.

Someday, someday, I want that farmhouse. I want the girls to know that life and all it entails. I want them to learn about the simple things and not get so caught up in this crazed world. I want them to know that family is at the heart of it all. I want the simple, laid back ways of the country life and not this hustle and bustle we have somehow gotten caught up in. I want them to stand still and look around and truly see how beautiful this world can be if we all just took a second to notice.

I think i am done blurbing.. as Layla cakes just woke up from her nap and need some cuddles from her Mama. How do I get any work done at this office you ask? ...I do .. I truly do fit it all in!

I will leave you with the fact that I am currently obsessed with Billy Ray Cyrus's new album, "Back to Tennessee". Obsessed I tell ya. There is not one song on this album that I dont absolutely, positively, truly love! It's not often that I can listen to an album cover to cover and not want to fast forward through at least a song or two. This one.. aww every bit of it is just plain awesome!

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