Yesterday was Layla's endoscopy up in Boston. It was quite the crazy morning! We woke up to a total whiteout and Hannah's school was canceled. Billy had to go into work and I was left wondering how on earth I was going to trek it up to Boston on my own in such horrible conditions. Thankfully, Grammy came to the rescue with Hannah. We headed over to Grammy's at 7:30 to drop Miss Hannah off and by the power of the man above, Billy was able to leave work and drive us up to Boston. Thankfully, once we got on the road, it wasn't nearly as bad as we thought it was going to be. This is not to say that we didnt see cars stranded off the road every few miles, but I will say, the road conditions were a LOT better than I had expected and most people stayed off the roads, which also helped our commute in.
Layla did great! I was so worried that she would be so upset over not eating, but we seemed to keep her entertained enough so that she didnt think about it. The GI procedure unit was fantastic (as we expected) from the nurses on up to Dr. Manfredi who performed the procedure. Everyone was so kind and accommodating. They all fell in love with Layla (as it is difficult not too). It was a bit surreal for me to hold her and watch her go under anesthesia as it had been me with Hannah so many times before, but I was prepared and fared well.
It seems as though she carried her big sister's trend for coming out of it though and she had quite the time. Thankfully we had told the anesthesia doctors that this could be a possibility due to Hannah's reactions to it and they were able to give Layla morphine to take the edge off. About an hour and a half later, she woke up just fine and was back to being Layla again.
Dr. Manfredi came out to talk to us right after the procedure and informed us that the procedure had gone well and her villi looked normal as did everything else. We were relieved and yet confused. (If that makes sense.) Dr. Verhave seemed to think she was showing all of the classic symptoms of Celiacs, however, if the villi isnt damaged, then I highly doubt that this will be the diagnosis... which puts us back at square one again. Although he did say that the biosies are the only sure fire way to detect Celiacs. Dr. Manfredi did say that he took a bunch of biopsies, including one in the stomach that would let us know if she has troubles digesting enzymes. So now we just have to hang tight and see how the biopsies come back and then go from there. This should take 5 to 7 days.
Although we are a bit confused, I have complete faith that her doctors wont stop until they get to the bottom of whatever is going on with Layla. I sure dont want to sound as if I want her to have Celiacs, because that certainly isnt the case and I will be relieved that she wont have to have those diet restrictions for the rest of her life, but at the same time, I am sort of disheartened because I want a diagnosis so that we can treat it and move on! I will remain positive however, and hopefully we will get some answers soon.
We came home to a nice homemade dinner thanks to Grammy and Grampy and we all headed home to sleep our crazy day away!
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