Our household has hit full swing into the Christmas mode. I am not sure what is up with myself as I have been craving the Holiday and all that goes along with it! I am trying my very best to be organized and I have started shopping which is great for me! Usually, I am struggling at the very last minute to make my purchases and figure out how I am paying for them! I am determined this year to get it done early so that I can truly enjoy the month of December and revel in the pastimes of the month with the girls. I am so looking forward to it! Yes, I am one of those crazy people that have already tuned into all the Christmas music as well. Like I said, I am determined to get in the mood and enjoy this Holiday!
It looks as though this Christmas is going to be a Tinkerbell one for my Miss Hannah!
I had to take this picture this morning as they looked so darn cute cuddling together in bed. I have pretty much decided to stop fighting against them coming into my bed as my efforts are useless. In the grand scheme of things, is it really so bad that my girls like to cuddle with their Mommy? Time passes so quickly and in a few more years, Han will probably want nothing to do with me.. or my bed! LOL

My little angels

Hannah was killing me with this pose! Where did she learn this from?

Well it seems as though Miss Layla has finally found her walking legs. Yesterday was the breakthrough day! She started taking a step here and there about 3 weeks ago, but yesterday, she was really doing it! Up until now, she has preferred crawling, but it seems as though my little peanut is on the move! (Sigh.. another milestone..proving my little baby is growing up) She is just so darn cute I could eat her up! She is also right on schedule with her big sister as Hannah walked at 13 months as well!

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