Well the weekend was certainly filled with much excitement! Friday evening I had the girl's doctors appointments. It is always so stressful trying to figure everything out there! Hannah's ears were still a bit off the doctor said and she wasn't sure if it was the beginning of something, or the end of her previous ear infection. She didn't want to keep putting her on antibiotics so we are playing the wait and see game with her. It is so tough because of everything she went through, she has such a high tolerance of pain. We never know when she has an ear infection because she never complains! (Sigh) Layla's ears looked great and although she had a few more teeth cut through, the Dr. felt that this wasn't the cause of her discomfort. When I brought up the whole stomach/diarreha issues she said "Ah Ha". (Sometimes I really stink at Motherhood because whenever I think something is wrong, it isn't. When I am lackadaisical about symptoms, it's a cause to be concerned.) The doctor put her back on formula which I was relieved about. It seems that when we took her off, was when all the problems began. So hopefully, this will help her start to feel better!
For the first time in a very long time, I ventured out with some girlfriends on Saturday evening. The reason for the gathering was to celebrate life. My dear friend Shannon's. Shannon has finally reached her final chemo treatment and with her head newly shaven for the very last time, we all gathered together to celebrate this major milestone. What a remarkable person Shannon is and with Sandy by her side, the evening was truly a fantastic one!

We gathered at our forever favorite Tony's pizza to begin the evening. We chatted away as we ate another spectacular dinner prepared by the Revis Family. It was great to see and hug the girls that I haven't seen in literally 15 years. (I mean.. that is insane.. and we are OLD!) As it was also great to catch up with the friends that I have kept in touch with. Everyone truly looked sensational and I swear the girls haven't aged a bit. I believe that they have even become more beautiful as many of them have entered into the wonderful journey of motherhood. Shannon, with her makeup on (I don't think I have ever seen makeup on this girl) looked wonderful as she bent over to show us her bald head revealing the word "cancer" with a line through it. Her strength in dealing with her battle of breast cancer never wavering and this being her 2nd battle with this horrible disease, makes her all the more inspirational.
After filling our bellies with some great food and a beer or two, we decided to take it to the alley.. the bowling alley that is. What a riot this was. We had more fun goofing around and I swear it was as though those 15 long years of not being in each other's company all together never existed. I am sad to say however, that I do believe I got the award for being the worst bowler in the place. (Bowling.. not my forte) Renee, you are truly the most hilarious fun loving person I have ever met. Your zest for life and laughter are truly infectious. Alexis, you have not changed a bit and I swear you have not aged the slightest amount.. it was as if you were frozen in time for 15 years. Melissa, you are beautiful. Truly a doll and I can tell how much you love being a Mom. Jenn.. it has been years but you too, have not changed and it was great to see you out enjoying yourself. Missy, you always just make me laugh and I loved exchanging our stories of the trauma of getting our girls dressed in the morning! Nicole, you are so fun to be around. You are so silly it makes me feel young again to join in your goofiness. Alyson.. oh Alyson.. there is just nobody like you. You just have this gift of making everyone laugh by bringing up the most insane of things. The topics of discussion around you are just down right hilarious. Jill, my chaperon for the evening, you know how much I love you. You put up with all my drunk talk (after one beer) and you are the easiest person on the planet to talk too! I love being around you! Sarah, I didn't get too much time to chat with you, but for a woman who has just given birth to her third child, girl, you look amazing!!! Jenny, you know how much I love being around you as well. Even though you didn't get to come bowling, I love being around you as you are my glove box girl. I want to stick you in my glove box for rainy days and open it so I can laugh my pants off at your hilariousness! (Is that a word?) Plus you smell good.. LOL I need to order that!) Sandy, you are truly a remarkable person! You have stayed by Shannon's side through thick and thin. Supporting her and carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You are truly a special and caring person. Shan.. you know how much I look up to you. I think you are the strongest person I have ever met and I sit in awe of the way you have dealt with your cancer. I don't think I have ever, or will ever see anything like it. Your attitude towards life is undeniable. May you now have all the time in the world to mend and heal and how I look forward to the day when we can get a picture of us together.. with both of us wearing our curls. We must not let so much time go by before we do this again. Rollerskating.. here we come!

I came home just past midnight to see my adorable family all sprawled out on the couch. Billy had a night with the girls and they had a wonderful time bonding. He bought them the most adorable outfits from Gymboree and he did such a great job of picking them out. It really was the sweetest sight to come home to and it made me appreciate my life all the more.
Sunday was filled with dinner preparations (while watching the Pats squish the fish!) as we hosted my parent's 38th wedding anniversary dinner. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad.. 38 years.. holy cow! It was great to have my parents and family over and I finally got a chance to feed my new niece, Reanna, a bottle. Poor Layla is not so fond of Reanna as she is such a little Mommy's girl, but I know with time those two are going to be the best of friends. Hannah flitted about with her Tinkerbell wings on and she had so much fun playing with Uncle Ra Ra.
I'd like to say a Happy Belated Birthday to Uncle Dave and Auntie Jill! I hope you liked your messages from the girls!
This week is going to be a busy one so I don't think I will be able to do much posting, however, I hope that everyone continues to stay healthy and that everyone enjoys a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families!