Well it seems as though the colder weather has finally arrived and we are now hitting the peak foliage with the crisp temperatures. When I looked back at the blog I was dumbfounded to see that my last entry was in May. As Joey Lawrence use to say, "Whoa". I guess it is just a side affect of how busy we have all been since then! The summer went by in a whirl! I couldn't possibly update on all the memories we've had since May so I'll be brief. We had a wonderful summer. Mommy function pretty much in zombie status being that I worked nights to be home with them during the day. I have a new found respect for people who work night shifts. While it was wonderful being home with them this summer, I am thrilled to be back to actually sleeping at night!
Our summer was filled with pool days, beach days, friends, family and birthday parties. We went to the library, the movies and out to lunch! Mommy actually made it to 2 concerts this summer as well and had a blast at Maroon 5 and Taylor Swift.
We jumped right into this school year. I did better than I expected. Hannah entered 4th grade, Layla started Kindergarten (1/2 day) and Cameron started Preschool. Wow. All three, in school. How did that happen? They are all doing really well and seemed to have adjusted just fine. Coincidentally, Cameron has not been kicked out of Preschool yet and quite the contrary has been noted to be the best behaved and a favorite amongst his teachers. I tell you that I question them about this on a daily basis. Our we talking about MY Cameron? Are you sure? LOL I love that little booger to death but to say he is a hand full is an understatement! He reminds me so much of Hannah when she was his age. Layla was so easy that I had forgotten all about that little strong willed attitude battle. HAND FULL! Luckily his cute little face gets me through it and I was so happy that the little man fell asleep cuddled under a blanket with me on the couch watching the Sox whip butt in World Series Game #1.
So all in all the kids are doing great! Health wise we were able to get to the bottom of Layla's issues and determined that she has reflux and is lactose intolerant. She's been on some meds and they seem to be helping. Hannah has been a picture of health (my miracle) and aside from a recent ear infection, Cam man has been healthy as well! So for now, I am just going to enjoy the lull in the health issues and pray we can keep it like this!
Hannah has been skating A LOT. I can't believe how far she has come in two short months with this team. I am so grateful that she has this opportunity to learn from such unbelievably talented people. Vicki and Coach Chris have really invested in her and I can see the difference. She already has 3 goals under her belt this season and her skating has improved by leaps and bounds. I can't even explain the proud feeling I get watching her play.. especially when she scores. It's one of those "parent moments" that truly seem surreal. That's my kid!
Layla is still dancing and has added hip hop to the mix this year. That is a hoot and something she really likes. Hannah is still somehow dancing as well and is actually keeping up with girls that are 2 years older than she is. Cam has started learn to skate... One word... ADORABLE! He holds on to the cone for dear life but he is such a ham. As long as the snack bar is closed.. we can keep him out there the whole hour.. LOL
As for myself, I have been burning the candle at both ends a bit. Work, kids, schedules and HOLY Photography! I am thrilled to be as busy as I am, but the craziness of the days and my schedule is starting to catch up to me! I actually had to put myself to bed one night this week by 8PM (Unheard of for me) I was feeling flu like symptoms, aches, pains, chills and quite honestly, I think it was just my body telling me to calm down. Lately I feel like it might be beneficial to change the name of the blog to Managing the Chaos because that is truly what I do on a day to day basis. Yet, I am happy to be where I am and most certainly recognize the blessings I have. And on those really tough days.. I just crank up Michael Buble and sing my heart out to get through it. (Have you heard his newest album? I am a bit obsessed.) He's always been my go to stress reliever music.
So that is pretty much it in a nutshell. We are going to start buckling down getting ready for the holidays and I for one, intend to take it all in and enjoy every moment!
Love to all!
Posting some pics I took of Hannah and her softball friends. While she doesnt play softball (hockey) I loved the concept and thought it photographed well!