Hoping everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving as much as we did! Although quite hectic on my end, I made a point to stop, take a breath and appreciate those people around me several times throughout the day. Only the good Lord knows what is in store for next Thanksgiving and who will surround us at the dinner table so I really did take time to appreciate my family this year. It was also my little man's first Turkey Day and boy did he look dapper in his preppy attire! (Who knew dressing a boy could be so much fun?) Not only was it Cameron's first Turkey Day.. but it was also...
MY NEW NIECE'S! YES! Stella Mae was born November 23, 2010 at 3:53am weighing 8lbs 1 oz! She is DARLING! A little Italian Princess complete with a full head of dark hair! She is doing well aside from having some jaundice issues. Big sister Reanna adores her and I am soooo very happy that Reanna will know what it is like to have a sister to walk through life with. Lord knows where I would be without my Julie Moolie!

On the sick agenda... Hannah's ear saga continues and she will be having her completely blocked ear tube removed and a new one put in next Tuesday. Fingers crossed that this will solve her most recent ear issues and reoccurring ear infections. My poor Hannah. I may be getting a 2 for 1 deal since Layla is now on her umteenth ear infection as well. It looks like it is time to get her to the ENT as well. I found this out after having a horrible night with her Friday when she had an awful asthma attack. Thankfully, I had some prednisone in the house and I gave her a dose which in essence saved us a trip to the ER. After being seen Saturday morning she is now on an even bigger dose and more inhalers. Roid rage anyone..??? My poor Layla. Last but not least, I swear little man is also suffering from an ear infection as he has not slept in a few nights and he is acting quite the same as he did a few weeks ago when we found that his ear was infected. We will see tomorrow what is bugging him as I plan to take him along to Layla's checkup. Poor Cameron... (Hmmm are you seeing a pattern here?)
To Be Continued ....