Things have been going quite smoothly the past week as far as the girls and their health. (Knock on wood!) I did end up taking Hannah to the doctor last week and she did indeed have an ear infection in her left ear. She got on the antibiotics and she is doing much better! Layla has her good days and bad. The formula has definitely put an end to her chronic diarrhea issues, if only we could get the insurance company to help pay for it! Unfortunately, without an official diagnosis, it doesnt look like we are going to win that battle! Apparently failure to thrive due to chronic diarrhea from a severe milk protein allergy is not a good enough diagnosis for them. We are still hanging on until our appointment in Boston on February 24th to rule out Crohn's etc... and her sweat test to rule out Cystic Fibrosis is next week. She is still waking up 2 to 3 times a night screaming and I cant help but wonder if it is from belly aches or just habit. I will feel much better when I am able to speak to the GI specialist in Boston and rule everything else out. I am keeping my fingers crossed that it is just a severe milk protein allergy and nothing more. I would feel terrible if this kid has been suffering from something more and it has take us all this time to figure it out. We'll cross that bridge if we get there.
On another note, I find it a little crazy that her blood test did not show the milk allergy. I am not too sure of the results of this blood work as it did say she was not allergic to eggs either. However, when we gave her eggs this past weekend.. within an hour, the poor thing had 3 episodes of diarrhea. Crazy? In speaking with a friend, she told me that her son has a severe allergy to rice. If he has rice, he goes into anabolic shock. However, this rice allergy never showed up on his allergy tests either. So I am thinking that these allergy tests arent that great of a tool in determining what Layla is or is not allergic to. So for now, we are just going with giving her what does not cause diarrhea.
We were able to get Layla's 15 month shots in yesterday as she finally had a few days without a fever. Thankfully she was good about it and didnt cry for very long. Hannah was quite hysterical as she gave her that look as if to say, "Hey stinks to be you!" Dr. Sowa checked Han's ear as well and all clear. So I am keeping my fingers crossed that all stays well for the beginning of February so we can get her tubes in and adenoids out with no problems.
All else is well on the home front with the exception of the fact that our 4 year old refrigerator died! So last night we headed to Home Depot to purchase a new one. (Insert pit in stomach here) We certainly did not need to add any more expense to our ever growing debt, but what can you do. We found a really nice one and of course, it had a sold sign on it. Thankfully, the person did not put any money down on it and was suppose to return at 5:00pm to purchase it and never did. By 7:00pm the salesman said it was ours. We were psyched as it had been mismarked and we ended up getting a pretty expensive refrigerator for a steal! Grampy came over to help us get it off the truck and of course, it didnt fit through the door.. nor could we get the old fridge out! Billy went postal and I couldnt help but to laugh hysterically! He started tearing the old one apart with a hammer and crow bar and eventually we got it out the door. It took Billy some time but eventually he figured out how to get the doors off the new fridge so it would fit through the door. My Billy, poor soul has zero patience and sometimes I cant help but laugh hysterically at him. An hour later the two of us are trying to shimmy the thing up a step and through the door. At one point he was shouting directions and he got agitated and said, "Look at me!" I nearly lost it as there was not one cubic inch of him that I could see as I tried to see past this huge refrigerator stuck in the doorway! All I could do was laugh! We finally got the fridge to the kitchen with only a few minor incidents (dropping it on Billy's foot, etc..) and.. you guessed it.. it doesnt fit! Thankfully I am married to the handy man and this afternoon he will be shaving counter tops and ripping out a cabinet in order to make it fit. After searching for our food that was strewn across the deck in the snow to keep cold, we stoked up the new appliance and finally sat down around midnight. All in a days work! Ha!
These are some pictures from our Friday Night Girls Night with our friend Shelby! I think they are pretty much self explanatory as these girls are true girly girls all set to the tunes of the Jonas Brothers!