Love That Mama Drama

Love That Mama Drama

Friday, August 29, 2008


This weekend is going to be busy, busy, busy! Tonight is the rehearsal dinner for cousin Amy's wedding as tommorrow is her Big Day and I cant wait to be a part of the ceremony. She is going to look absolutely stunning in her gown and I am so excited for her and Kevin to begin their lives together. We are all praying for a bright sunny day and I just know it is going to be a blast!

Han went off to school fine this morning and her fever was gone. Fingers crossed that everything stays well and she will be standing there with a big smile on her face when I pick her up. Layla on the other hand is still not right and has been running a low grade fever on and off for almost a week and a half now. I am hoping it is her teeth, but when I feel her top gums, they arent even swollen anymore. I took her to the doctors on Monday for an ear check and he said she was fine.. but I know something is up. I have an ear check appointment for Hannah on Tuesday, so if she is not better by then, I am going to have them check her as well.

Here are some pics of her learning how to hit the ball this morning. Hopefully someday, she will teach the Red Sox a thing or two!!! LOL

Good luck to everyone at the Skate for Sully event tomorrow. I hope you all raise a ton of money for Shan and I hope the day proves to be a huge success!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

She'll Get By With a Little Help From Her Friends

I was going to write this blog tomorrow, but seeing as I have some time now and one never knows what tomorrow may bring, I figure now is as good of a time as ever. I am going to take some time out of writing about my girls and write about another girl today. My friend Shannon Sullivan.

There is so much to say about Sully that I am not quite sure where to begin. I am not even sure when or how we met, I just know it was forever ago. I am sure we twinkled toed past each other once or twice in dance class or something but the time that I do remember and cherish most about Shan was in High School. There are so many wonderful memories I have of us back then. It's funny how when I look back now, I can see things so much clearer and from a totally different perspective than I did in those days. You see, Shanny was the first female to ever play on SHS's hockey team. I remember thinking it was "cool" back then and how tough Shannon was, but looking back upon it today, I realize that it was way more than just "cool", rather it was a major accomplishment and quite an honor. Something that will remain part of SHS's history of the sport. Going down as part of history, is much more than just "cool" and Lord knows that most recently, I have found out how tough Shannon really is.

Again, when I think back, it is easy to see why we became friends. We had (and still have) so much in common. Be it our love for photography, our Jeep obsessions, hockey and our love for long meaningful talks figuring out life, we certainly seemed destined to be friends. But I believe it is our love for something else that has kept us in each other's lives. You see, I dont think there is another person on the planet who would ever understand my love for music, besides Shannon. Find us the sappiest love song or the most meaningful lyrics of a country song, Shannon and I are truly connected through our love for music and this is why I have dubbed her, my SOUL SISTA for life! When we were young we would make mix tapes for each other and I am happy to say that this tradition has continued on into our adulthood. Music just truly moves us and we "get" each other through this art.

There were some years in between where Shannon and I lost touch, but here and there we have always managed to get back to our friendship and I am truly grateful for that. Many laughs have been had between us and I have learned so much from Shannon. Back then I learned how to lace her skates before a big game. Today, I am learning how it is to fight for your life and do it with all the style and dignity possible in the world. You see, again, Shannon has to have her game face on because for the second time, she is fighting breast cancer.

I wasnt so much around for her first battle with this demon. I took a back seat and learned of her progress through other friends of ours. I would occasionally send along an email or a card so she would know I was thinking of her, but I was weak and selfish and was afraid to get too close to her again because I didnt want to see her suffer. Thinking back I wish I hadn't acted this way and that I had played more of a role in her recovery. I should have known better. I should have known that if anyone was going to beat cancer, Shannon would. I should have been there more for her as a friend and i am ashamed to admit that I wasnt.

This time is different though. This time, I am fighting with her. In my heart of hearts I know that Shannon can beat this thing. There isnt anyone tougher on the planet than she and she will prevail in the end. I swear that God only gives to people what they can handle and as hard as it may be, I know Shannon can handle it. Not only can she handle it, but she'll do it in the "Shannon way". "How do you feel Shan?" "I'm god Ker.. I'll be okay.. felt sick yesterday, but today is a new day." She simply amazes me in how she deals with her cancer and how strong she really is. I know she has her days and not like she would say, but she still puts on her game face as to not let us all to worry.

Shan, if there is anything I could say to you, it is this. Keep fighting. You will win. I know in my heart you will win. Relish in the good days and let the bad days happen too. They are all a part of this journey and it is a journey. The end will be bitter sweet. As I did in the old days, cheering you on from the bleachers, I am cheering you on today and when your journey is over, I will be there too, to celebrate in your victory of being cancer free. Always know that you are in my heart and in my prayers.

Saturday there is a benefit for Shannon called the "Skate for Sully" benefit. Unfortunately I cant be there as I am in my cousin's wedding, but I will be thinking of her. Especially as she bites into that KFC crispy strip. (some humor needed here) I know it is going to be hard for her to accept so much support and love as she tends to be tough as nails and does not like to show any weakness but I urge you to take it in stride Sully, you are truly loved by many and if you get emotional, then so be it. I hope this fundraiser helps to get you back on your feet and you know the collections department is always ready to do more!

I love you Shan, keep your head up and your eye on the puck.. the end of the game is just around the corner.

My song for the day is: You've got a friend.. James Taylor

One more thing.. I got my Thank You CD before anyone else.. nah nah nah nah nah!


Hannah's School Update

Well I guess I should have known better. All this time we all keep saying how much Han looks and acts like Billy..yet unfortunately, she seems to have gotten my recipe for the big occasion disasters! Growing up it seemed as though I was always sick. From strep to mono to diseases you've never heard of before, I had it all and I always seemed to get them right before a big event! (My poor parents!) . Yesterday I went to pick up Hannah at school and I waited outside with the other parents for the door to open. When it finally did, there was Han, 2nd in line.. her face beat red and she was crying. My heart sank. I kept saying to myself, "Please tell me she's crying because she doesnt want to leave.. please tell me she's crying because she doesnt want to leave." Yet, just looking at her I knew this wasnt the case. I ran and pulled her out of line and the poor thing was sobbing. She was burning up and couldnt stop crying. The teacher leaned over and said that she had fallen asleep on the lunch table and at nap time. Right then I knew.. this kid was sick. I dont blame the teachers for not calling me. How were they to know that Hannah does not EVER take naps? It was her first day. They are probably thinking..Hey look at this kid.. she's going to be easy.. she just wants to sleep... Little do they know!

I can't lie, I did sort of know something was going on yesterday morning as she felt warm. Yet, Billy and I decided to give her some Tylenol and send her, knowing that there was no way she wanted to miss her first day. After taking her home from school and checking her temp which was 104.1, I felt like the worst Mom on the planet. In hindsight, maybe it wasnt the best decision, but with Hannah you never know. You just never know! Again, unfortunately, she did get something from her mommy!

So today we are staying home and getting her better so that she can hopefully make it to school tomorrow. She is in much better spirits and her fever is now low grade. I am praying that Layla doesnt get whatever it is because we have a big weekend coming up with cousin Amy's wedding! I am bummed because we were supposed to spend time with Cousin Arielle today too, but we didnt want to take the chance in getting her sick! Auntie Le Le is getting ready to have baby Addy and we dont want her getting sick either! Hopefully we will be back on track tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

In the spirit of the day... I'll post this pic of me and my banana! It is one of my faves!

Han's first day of school dress and her new shoes!

I'm cute.. arent I?

You better NOT CRY MOMMY!


All ready with Minnie Mouse lunch box in hand!

I love my school girl socks Auntie Jill! My new shoes too Grammy!

Hannah with her St. Phillip's bag!

First day of school!

Baby Sister and Han on the big day!

Of course she puts her name right near Olivia's! We never got to meet the new Olivia.. but I am sure Hannah will seek her out!

Hannah's face... it looks similar.. no?

Han and Jake.. playing blocks


Hannah's first day of Preschool

Can you believe it? My little bean has embarked on a major milestone.. Preschool! I am still in awe that 4 extremely short years have flown by and there we stood today, with Hannah in her adorable dress (Courtesy of Auntie Jill) and new shoes from Grammy, on her first day of school. I was such a mix of emotions! I am so excited for Hannah to begin her new school as was she. Yet, of course, there was that pit in my stomach saying.."You're baby is growing up!"

She did wonderfully (As did I.. I saved the tears for the car!). She went right in, found her cubby, put her name on the board and began to play. I really think that this school is going to be a wonderful experience for Hannah. I can't say enough about how impressed I am with the school and the teachers. I know in my heart that this is the best place for Hannah and I am just as excited as she is to begin this new routine.

She has already made some new friends. Jake (Kerri Cavanaugh's son, who is the most beautiful little boy I have ever seen!), Diana, Brenna and Dimitri. Yesterday's orientation was a great way to begin this new school year and a great way for Hannah to meet her new friends. She made crafts, played in the sand box (which she insisted that the sand was stolen from Matunuck Beach!), played with the doll house, pretend cook in the kitchen and had no problems dropping her pants to go tinkles on the little toilet! Yesterday certainly gave me that sense of relief in knowing that this definitely was the place for Hannah.

Last but not least I can't tell you how much it means to me to have Han at a Catholic School. She is so intrigued by Jesus and wants to learn so much more and I love to hear her talk about all the facets of the Lord. One of her favorite books is a prayer book and she often asks me to read it at night. She has also learned quite quickly at a young age how to pray and the appropriate things to pray for. If we miss a night of prayers, the first thing out of her mouth is "OH NO.. we forgot to say our prayers for Mason!" Mason is Lindsay Cavanaugh Kelley's son who is battling a form of Leukemia and is thankfully feeling well at this point in time. Although they have never met, Han enjoys looking at pictures of him and hearing all about his good progress reports!

So all in all it was a good morning. I cant wait to pick her up and hear all about her first day! I am sure I will have plenty to post come the next few days!

Monday, August 25, 2008

End of the Summer

We had a terrific weekend! Friday night was "girl's night" and I enjoyed some quality time with the beans. We went after work to pick out Hannah's new Minnie Mouse lunch box for school..then we picked up some movies and made it a MOVIE NIGHT! College Road Trip was the flick of choice and Hannah thoroughly enjoyed it (as did I)! We popped some popcorn and made it a true blue movie theater event.

Saturday we headed to Matunuck for some fun in the sun. The weather was a perfect 10! Hannah played well with her buddy Drew. How I get such a kick out of their conversations! I can't help but wonder if some day.. far .. far.. far away.. the two of them will end up together in the true magic of Matunuck Beach. He is such a sweet little boy and they so enjoy each other's company tremendously. Hannah cannot stop talking about him and is still drawing pictures of the two of them today!

Yesterday was such a nice day at the beach as well and for the first time all summer long the girls and I took a walk down the beach. Why I havent done this before yesterday is beyond me! Usually there are so many things going on that I dont get the time to just relax at the beach. Yesterday I did just so. I pushed Layla Grayce in the stroller and Hannah and I looked for shiney rocks and seashells on the shore. It was such a great time and I need to make a promise that I will do this more often with them. These are the little things that I just love to do with them and something that I want them to remember well into their adulthood.

Miss Hannah starts school on Wednesday. I cant believe it. Pre Kindergarten. I realize that she went to school last year, but it was a totally different setting and with someone that I knew. Also, she only really had a few other kids her own age there. This.. this is the real deal and as it approaches, I can't promise that I wont cry. She seems to be excited and we have an orientation tomorrow so that she can meet her teacher and some of the school kids. It should be fun but I still have this pit in my stomach. My baby is going to SCHOOL!!!

I believe that Miss Layla may have an ear infection. I hate this guessing game! I know I am going to end up taking her between today and tomorrow, I just never know if it could be her teeth that is setting her off or her ears. She keeps playing with her right ear so I am leaning more towards the ear infection. So we shall see!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

PS: Has anyone else heard that Chuck Wicks and Julianne Hough are together??? Ohhhh that was sooo my Hollywood moment.. or Nashville moment for the day! How exciting!!! Now they would make BEAUTIFUL babies!!!!!

Suds in a Bucket

Do you ever wake up and just feel like the days keep going by faster and faster??? AHHH How I wish I could slow down the hands of time. Hannah slept so well last night and when I went to peak in on her this morning.. she just looked so big to me! Her limbs and feet.. are just BIG. I left her room shaking my head and wondering where all the time has gone! Can't we just freeze these babies and keep them safe and tiny forever?

On the other hand, thankfully she is still my Hannah banana and this morning when medicine time came around.. I was sure she was still my little stinker! Why on earth do they call it medicine anyhow? Shouldn't they come up with a better name for it when you are trying to administer it to a kid? Could they make it taste any better? Something? I cant tall you the amount of bribes I have to give the kid in order to get her to take 1 tablespoon of antibiotics! AHHHH! I have practically auctioned off the entire house this week!!!

Have I mentioned that the whole reason why she is even on the antibiotic is due to the fact that the poor kid had an ear infection for God knows how long? I cant even believe she never complained about it!! The doctor said it was horrendous! I knew that once we got her tubes out, the ear infections would come back. I know I am not a doctor, but I know in my heart, Hannah is going to keep having this problem in her left ear due to the hemangioma wrapped around her ear tube. Not that it is harming anything.. really.. but more that it maybe has made the ear tube a bit smaller therefore, not letting the fluid drain properly. I can almost guarantee that we will be back in for surgery to put the tube back in!

Aside from that, the poor kid is still suffering from her 4 yr old, 4 immunizations. What a dramatic feat THAT was and Papa is still not over it! Hahahaha Thank God I brought him for back-up! Her right arm is all swollen and there is quite a big rash in it too. Hoping that this goes away and soon since it has already been 4 days!

Yet, you would never knew that anything was bothering Han. Everything she went through as a baby has surely toughened the little tyke right up. I swear that she is just use to pain and this is probably why she didnt even know her ear hurt!

Miss Layla Grayce has been excellent as well. She is crawling all over the place and is into EVERYTHING!!! I love to watch her explore. Her facial expressions are so hysterical. She waved good-bye out of the blue the other night when Billy left for his hockey game. Thankfully, I grabbed the cell phone and got her to do it again on video! It was adorable and she was quite proud of herself too! October is quickly approaching and I am bracing myself for her first birthday. Again.. a WHOLE YEAR HAS GONE BY??? WHAT???

Lastly, I just wanted to wish my dearest friends Denise & Chris a Happy 10th Anniversary. I can't BELIEVE that 10 years have gone by so quickly and what 3 gorgeous babies they have managed to create in those 10 years! Congrat's guys.. you deserve a night out! I think this officially puts us on record as being friends for 15 years~ who would have thunk???? Hahahahahaha Enjoy your day and we love you dearly!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Can you tell how much I love these tiny miracles?

This is what we do at work! Yes.. we do get work done sometimes!!!

South County Fair

This past weekend was the South County Fair and we all ended up having a blast. It was the first time I have ever been to a REAL farmers type fair and I can say that I honestly thoroughly enjoyed myself! I witnessed my first tractor pull and I just LOVED it! Even the kids got such a kick out of it! Hannah certainly enjoyed the rides and Mommy even shockingly let her go on this bungee jumparoo type ride. She was so brave!!! Layla was such a good little cupcake the whole day as usual!

We also enjoyed Uncle Moppy and Uncle Greg's 30th Birthday Bash this past weekend as well! GETTING OLD FELLAS! Jules and Skip put on quite the party and a good time was had by all. I have to say that Mark Phillips was most definitely the icing on the cake and I may regret writing this one day, but why is such a talented man hanging here in little Rhode Island???? Man he is just so good at what he does. His voice is phenomenal and he can sing anything.. anything at all and make it sound fantastic! He certainly is a true gem!

Brave Hannah

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A picture of the girls playing with the kitchen. I thought it was so adorable the way they were playing together! Hannah is always such a ham and Layla gets the biggest kick out of her!
Wow.. it has been a while since I have been on here! How very busy life gets! I have been totally wrapped up in cookouts, birthday parties, planning Auntie Ju-Ju's baby shower and much much more!

The girls ended up having a nasty virus last week sending us into quite the tizzy. Miss Hannah was able to fend it off fairly quickly, however, Layla Grayce got it and got it good. 103 fever for 5 days and a cough that would scare the lights out of you! The poor thing was so uncomfortable and just so sick! Finally today, 8 days later, I feel as though she is starting to get back to her happy baby self!

As for Hannah, I am not quite sure what is going on with her. I heard that the 4's could be tough, but I was certain it wasnt going to be for us. She has started with such a bit of an attitude lately and I am not sure where it is all coming from. We have been trying desperately to get her on a schedule and make sure she is getting the appropriate amount of sleep and whatnot and I think it is her way of resisting maybe? For some reason I didnt really put my foot down with a routine for Hannah when she was born and for most of her 4 years of life. She was such a sick baby that we kind of just went with everything. Lately, I have been really trying to fix some of the parenting that we did wrong and cut back on all the sugary substances she consumes and getting her in bed so that she gets the right amount of sleep. I sometimes feel like I am hitting my head against the wall because I find it very difficult to get everyone on board with me. Han is just not a kid that can consume sugar. Be it in juice or sweets. The tiniest bit can set our nighttime routine off as she turns into this crazy kid bouncing all over the place! I really hope that Billy and I can get a grip on this! Our intention is not to make the kid's childhood miserable, rather do what is best for her.

Layla on the other hand is not eating ANYTHING lately and is perfectly content nursing and having her bottles? RANDOM? I think she might finally be cutting a top tooth? This could definitely be causing her appetite to be off.

I am going to see what I have in my camera to post as pictures.. it has been so long that I cant remember!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Our New Hampshire Weekend

Ahhhh finally we got some much deserved family time together! The four of us, along with cousin Arielle and Auntie Leanne headed up to New Hampshire together! The girls were great during the car ride and we made good time up there Friday night. Saturday morning we were able to head to a town Children's Theater and watch a very hilarious production of Cinderella. Hannah was simply enthralled and I dont think I have ever seen her sit still for so long! We were able to meet the cast and the girls got the actor's autographs.

In the afternoon we headed up to Story Land and had a blast! I love to watch Hannah's face when she goes on rides. She is so theatrical sometimes and I think I laughed most of the afternoon. She just adores her cousin Arielle and I could watch the 2 of them interact forever! Leanne, the girls and I headed into a "Pretend Play Gift Shop" and came out 2 bowas and 3 princess crowns later. Ahhhh I just loved getting the shots of all of them in their Ja Ja Gabor garb! Have I mentioned how much fun it is to have girls to do this with? It truly is like reliving my childhood all over again! Hannah strut around the park the rest of the day in her bowa and crown.. it was simply marvelous!

Sunday morning we were able to take a ride on the Ho Bo Railroad. It was adorable and the girls got to have their lunch on the train. A fantastic time was had by all and we are very excited to spend some Fall weekends up in the mountains!