Love That Mama Drama
Love That Mama Drama

Tuesday, July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015
I should be better at this by now shouldn't I? One whole, entire, painfully lonely year. Without you, Mom. My emotions are all over the board. One second I can't breath because I miss you so much and the next I am elated you didn't have to live any longer trapped inside your mind and body. Then the next second my chest hurts because the pain of missing you is so real. Physically real. The tears haven't stopped since Saturday.. but the difference in this passage of a whole year's time is that the memories that keep popping in my head daily now, are usually ones of you well. I'm relieved for that. You're well and smiling and happy.. doing all your happy little things in all your happy little places. Smiling.. smirking.. happy.. peaceful.. It had been so long since I could remember you this way.. barefoot.. puttering in your gardens, chomping on a fresh green bean.. on the beach deck smiling.. swimming in the ocean laughing.. teasing one of us kids in the kitchen.. chasing after us with the wooden spoon.. but forefront in all these memories is your smile.. laugh.. teeth.. lips.. smiling... silly eyes. .. smiling... I'm so very grateful but my heart is still broken and life will never, ever be the same.
Saturday, May 9, 2015
Mother's Day 2015
“I will remember you, will you remember me…don’t let your life pass you by. Weep not for the memories.” Sarah Mclauchlan – I will Remember You
I reread my Mother’s Day post from last year…I’ll leave it at that. The “Elephant in the Room” feeling started Wednesday. No, actually it probably started sometime last week. The emails, Facebook ads, flyers and every piece of literature that came in the mail started the pit in my stomach. “What to get Mom for Mother’s Day…” My initial reaction was “How cruel! Don’t these people know?” As my pulse calmed I thought and thought… and then thought some more. The new Kerri remembered her motto of trying to focus on the positive. I forced myself to refocus… although some days are easier than others and the uneasy feeling continued to grow throughout the week. It was a hell week to begin with. A week where each day I was required to be in three places all at once.
“Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you…” Carpenters- Close to You
Tuesday evening Hannah had middle school orientation. Yep. Let me say that again. MIDDLE SCHOOL ORIENTATION. What the CRICKETS!! How did this happen? I sat in the same cafeteria I sat at 28 sem odd years ago and watch my first born leave to tour the school. At the end of the evening, the principal, whom I found to be just wonderful, showed a 4 minute video clip.. it started with an older man in the attic searching through boxes. He found a box of photo albums and began looking at the photos of he and his wife who had gone on before him. He came across a journal that his son had written and he never knew his son had kept a journal. He too, kept a business journal during his life. He went downstairs to compare the journals. He opened his to a page where he had written, “Went fishing and didn’t catch a thing all day. What a waste.” He opened his son’s journal to the same date and read, “Went fishing with dad, BEST DAY EVER!” As if I needed an excuse, the tears fell. I quickly tried to hide them. Ana caught me and grabbed my hand. She had tears in her eyes as well. My twin from another life.
“Could you beam me up, Give me a minute, I don’t know what I’d say in it. Probably just stare, happy just to be there holding your face. Beam me up. Let me be lighter, I’m tired of being a fighter, I think, a minute’s enough. Just beam me up.” Pink – Beam Me Up
Wednesday was Cam ’s Bright Start art show at Uno’s. Unfortunately, the night before he gave me quite the scare. (The positive? The pit in my stomach about Mom stopped briefly). He woke up with the croup cough. Three kids and ten plus years of dealing with croup and I consider myself a pro. I was in the shower when he came in. It was late. Actually it was early. 1:30am early. I jumped out and grabbed him in my arms and tried to soothe him. I wasn’t nervous at this point. Remember, I am a pro. The barking cough continued and I quickly got dressed and laid with him in his bed. By this point he was pretty worked up and in a matter of minutes, he got worse. By worse I mean, not only was he coughing like a seal, but on his breaths in, he was making this God awful gasping noise. Strider (see.. I even know what they call it. I thank my asthma kid Layla for that.) I’m still in control. In my efforts to calm him down, I grab the nebulizer and hook him up. He’s hysterical and the breathing is only getting worse. The neb does not help. It’s about now I go into panic mode. I’m alone. The girls are sleeping. Shit, I’m alone. Did I mention that I am alone? I turn on the shower hot.. steam, steam will help. Steam does not help. He’s getting worse. I wrap him in a blanket and pray the cool air helps as I run outside with him. Another failed attempt at helping him and he’s sounding worse as the minutes go by. It is somewhere around 2am at this point. I throw my hands up, grab him and run to the kitchen. I give him a dose of prednisone praying to God that this helps him. I take him downstairs and prop him in my arms on my bed and soothe him. My pulse is astronomical at this point but I am still trying to portray a calmness so that he is not scared. I have the phone in my hand. My thoughts are as such; Call the doctor.. call the doctor dammit. Take him to Hasbro.. forget the doctor and take him to Hasbro. The girls are sleeping. I am going to have to wake them and throw them in the car as well. Can I do this on my own? Of course I can do this on my own. I do it all the time. But wait, he needs to be held.. how can I drive and hold him? Should I call Julie? Mikey’s away. I can’t call Julie. Dad and Rob are away too. Dammit… call the doctor. Wait, he’s calming down. Does his breathing sound better? Am I going crazy? I might be going crazy. The doctor is going to think I am a loon. I’m going to give it 5 minutes and then in the car we are going… Those five minutes passed and thankfully, Cam fell asleep in my arms. I spent the next 2 hours trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me and why I was so worked up. I always remain calm in these instances and Lord knows I have had my share. For the love of God what is wrong with me?? Sleep did not come for me that night. The next day the doctor confirmed that yes, a pretty crappy case of croup he did have and more prednisone would do the trick. The dose I gave him is what saved us the trip to Hasbro… and he is just fine. Me, I am obviously losing my ever loving mind, but Cam is just fine.
“It’s been a long day, without you my friend and I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again. We’ve come a long way from where we began, oh I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again, when I see you again…”Wiz Khalifa – See You Again
I got off track here though. The art show. As he wasn’t feeling well and had not gone to school, I couldn’t very well just show up. Yet, this is his last preschool art show.. I need to see it. I need to have him see me see it. By mid afternoon he is perking up and I decide to order takeout from Uno’s and sneak in a few minutes before the event starts so we can sneak a peak. His wonderful teachers allow me to do so and we begin our decent to the back room where the art is set up. We walk in and then it hits me. Last year. Last year we were all there. We took a picture in front of that art. My mother in law, Grandmother in law, Cameron, myself and Mom. Mom was still here. She was here. Miss Kristen see’s my face and without me saying a word says, “I know. I thought the same thing.” She reached out and hugged me.
“She got the call today, one out of the gray. And when the smoke cleared, it took her breath away. She said she couldn’t believe, it could happen to me. I guess we’re all one phone call from our knees. We’re gonna get there soon.” Mat Kearney-Closer to Love
Thursday rolls around and I am jumping out of my skin. I can’t put my finger on it.. oh hell of course I can put my finger on it... So instead of giving in.. I decide to rearrange my whole office. If I stay busy I won’t feel. I don’t want to feel. I dive in. Dad walks by and shakes his head. He walks by again.. comes in and helps. I’m just like him and he knows it. I’m going crazy and he knows why. He helps. Several hours later I can breath again. I sit at my desk.. everything reorganized and I can breath again. Friday hits and I am determined to not let it suck me in. It’s “Muffin’s with Mom” at Cam ’s preschool. I hold him tight and appreciate the little moments I have with him. I adore him. My feisty little monkey who keeps me yelling at unearthly high pitches because he is determined to take 10 years off my life on a daily basis. I love him. With all my heart. We sit, we talk and as much as I am giving him all of me.. I drift for a moment or two. It’s coming. Mother’s Day is coming and I can’t stop it. Why is this particular holiday so hard for me? I’ve been through so many already. The firsts. The first Thanksgiving.. Christmas, her birthday.. why is Mother’s Day sending me over the edge? I kiss Cam all over and head to work. I had agreed to help out during lunch hour at the girl’s school. I concentrate on work and notice the time.. I’ve got about 25 more minutes before I have to leave. All of a sudden Aimee walks through the door and into my office. She gives me a hug and hands me a card. I’m speechless. She thought of me. She sits and we talk for a bit. All the while I have this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for her friendship. In an instant, Alyson follows suit and comes in my office baring a card and a beautiful candle. Wait what? How on earth did I get so lucky to have these most amazing friends who think of me the way they do? I don’t even have to say a word and there they are, lifting me up. Always, lifting me up. My heart swells. I head to the school after expressing my gratitude to my girlfriends. It’s the first time I’ve gotten to help out during lunch period and Layla is beside herself that I am there. She can’t give me enough hugs and wants me to stay the day with her. She shows me the ropes during lunch and stays by my side during recess. I take a moment and relish this time with her. My fairy foo foo always showing me how much love she has in her heart. I take a few minutes with Re too. That face of hers. Sometimes I swear it’s my face staring back at me. I decide to go in and take a minute with Hannah. I want time with all three of my babies today. I walk in the caf and look for the tallest, most beautiful little girl.. I don’t see her. Where is she? A mother friend of mine starts laughing as she notices her ducking down out of my sight in the lunch line. Ha! She should know better than to do this to me! I casually walk over and kiss her straight on the cheek as she turns 10 shades of red but she is smiling. She secretly loves it but won’t admit it. I of course take it to the next level and give her one of my dance routines. She laughs. I love her. My precious baby girl is growing up and our relationship is changing. I’m embracing it. Being able to spend individual time with all three of my children really filled my heart. It was the exact medicine I needed.
Mom, on this Mother’s Day I make you one promise. I will not let your death be the end of you. I will choose to keep your legacy alive. We’ve got plans Mom. We’ve got big plans and I promise you I will see them through. This isn’t the end.. You spent your life helping people and I swear to you we will spend your death making sure we help people in your honor. In your name. You deserve at least this. I will make sure we do it your way. I promise you with all my heart! Happy Mother’s Day, Mom. Thank you for giving me 39+ years of being the greatest Mother I could have ever asked for. Thank you for always being so selfless and so giving. Thank you for instilling in me all your morals, values and beliefs. There is no doubt it has made me a better person. Send me a sign today please.. the music.. we always have our music. Send it my way. I’ll know it’s you. I love you Mom. I hope you are happy and somewhere beautiful.
“Autumn Leaves” Ed Sheeran
Another day, another life
Passes by just like mine
It’s not complicated
Another mind, another soul
Another body to grow old
It’s not complicated
Did you ever wonder why the stars shine out for you?
Float down, like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you’re miles away
And yesterday you were here with me.
Another tear, another cry
Another place for us to die
It’s not complicated
Another loved that’s gone to waste
Another light lost from your face
It’s complicated
Is it that it’s over or do the birds still sing for you?
Float down
Like autumn leaves
And hush now
Close your eyes before the sleep
And you’re miles away
And yesterday you were here with me
Oh how I miss you
My symphony played the song that carried you out
Oh how I miss you
And I, I miss you and I wish you’d stay..
Touch down
Like a seven four seven
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
I'll get by with a little help from my friends...
Suffering from insomnia these days, affords me a lot of time to "think". Night time always seems to creep up on me and as tired as I am, sleep does not usually come easy. "Thinking" time for me can go either one of two ways, it can either be the start of my own demise or it can provide me a profound sense of counting my blessings. I like it best when it goes the latter as getting too wrapped up in my own head is never very good for me. Last week, I found myself in complete silence for quite some time. For those who know me, I don't do silence. Three kids usually does not afford me this "luxury" and when the silence creeps in, I'm left alone with my thoughts. Insert the insomnia here. Being that I am working very hard at being the master of my own destiny, a skill that certainly needed some brushing up on, I concentrated my thoughts on all that surrounded me. As I sat and thought, the blessings began to surface. At the forefront... this AMAZING group of friends I have. Somehow along the way of this thing called "life", I've managed to surround myself with quite the group of loving, caring, funny, eccentric, kindhearted people. I'm not sure how I got so lucky! I sat and thought about the events of the week. I started my weekend with my high school clan. The 6 of us. Moments where all 6 of us are together are special and rare and yet, there we were catching up like old times. Our lives taking on all different directions and leading us to different states, but not a single one of us didn't relish those few short hours, all together to celebrate a milestone birthday. At the forefront of our friendship, love. 40 years has seen us through trials, tribulations, losses and achievement and doted in our older and wiser bodies, we have this new found appreciation of the deep love that exists between us all. Perhaps it's the tight squeeze hug, the all too knowing glance or the barrels of laughter exchanged between us.. but I do believe the mere sense of each of us trying to portray to each other, how much we truly love one another and how appreciative we are for our friendship is always forefront. Possibly, we are much wiser now due to the life experiences we've had? I think back to the trivial heartache we all shared in high school and fast forward to now and there isn't a single one of the 6 of us that hasn't experienced a true loss. Life is fleeting. We have learned that lesson the hard way. So delved in appreciation I pray that the 6 of us have many more cherished moments all together. I'm so proud that our friendships have stood the tests of time and that throughout the chaos of life, we can still sit amongst each other and have our "Now and Then" moments. Life is happening now. Let's not wait too long before our next rendez vous ladies!
Then there are my girls.. Shannon and Sandy. Shannon and I go way back.. as far back as dancing school can take us. Most days she is my saving grace. She can talk me out of my head like no other and most nights, is up right along side of me texting away. When I think of Shannon, the words "honesty" and "loyal" always come to mind. She is brutally honest and I say this in a good way. If ever there were a person who needed this in her life, it'd be me. Don't sugar coat, give it to me straight. I like that much better. It's real and it does not leave these gray areas to analyze. Shannon and Sandy both knew my week would be filled with silence and decided to make sure I didn't have too much time to myself. From bookings to Sandy making dinner, my days and nights were filled. Yet, I couldn't mention Shannon without mentioning laughter either. Quite possibly the best thing about our friendship (aside from our deep, meaningful conversations) is the laughter between us. It sometimes becomes a competition between us who can make each other laugh more. Shannon always wins hands down because sarcasm is a gift that I was not born with. The nights we spend laughing are always my favorite. I remember writing an essay senior year in High School. We had to write about ourselves and our beliefs. The final line of my essay was that "looks fade, time passes, too many goodbyes are said, but if you spend the time laughing in this life, I assure you no regrets will be had when it's your time to say good bye. I believe that laughter can cure the world. In the end.. I did it My Way." Hmmm maybe I was a bit of a smarty pants back then because I still believe this to be true. What feeds your soul more than laughing? I'm grateful to have this gift in my life especially with Shannon. She's always there. Always.
And if by chance I should find myself with a split second of down time, I get the "Alyson" text. No way, no how is she going to sit by and let me get all up in my head either. She won't have it. "Dinner will be ready at 5:00.. bring your tap shoes." Al-O and I have been friends since birth. Literally. There isn't much we haven't been through together and oh how I enjoy our nights and the calmness they bring. I think what I like best is how I don't have to think around Alyson and Adam. I can just be. Tune the world out and rank on the newest reality tv show out there (which most of the time I have never seen). Being around Alyson reminds me of our childhood, Mom and Debbie times.. The good ol' days. She too, brings this element of laughter into my life. There isn't a time I don't spend with her that doesn't result in some type of wheezing, gasping laughter and usually some sort of video exposure. She is pretty much the only other person besides Shannon I can be completely dead on honest with and she loves me just the same and celebrates my uniqueness. How very lucky am I? Oh my dear friend, how excited I am for you to be embarking on this new chapter in your life. Motherhood.
I could sit here for days and write about the amazing group of friends in my life. Truthfully I could. I'm fortunate and I am so blessed to be surrounded by such good people in my life that help to stifle the quiet times. I'm doing much better at taking a breath, appreciating and honoring the relationships that I do have. Life is too fleeting not to.
Mom, I found your robe last night. I had put it in a safe place when the house fell apart and then forgot where that safe place was. I needed it last night. It still smells like you. I fell asleep with it over my pillow. How I wish I had you here to talk to. So many things I want to say to you. So many things I need to hear from you. I wish more people would bring you up.. talk about you. It's like no one wants to bring you up because they know it hurts, but it hurts not bringing you up either. I need to hear the stories and I need to hear your name. I don't want to forget a single moment. I get so afraid I'll forget. Most of all, I just miss our mother daughter friendship. There are those moments that still sharply take my breath away.. the moments of disbelief. The clock keeps ticking.. time keeps going.. you're still not here. I love you, I hope you are safe and somewhere beautiful...xo
Monday, April 13, 2015
Blessings at 9 months
Auntie Charlene's Fundraiser was this past Sunday. Auntie is Dad's sister and is both Mom & Dad's best friend. To give you a little history, Dad met Mom when she was hired at KFC.. yep she dated her boss! (Go Mom!) Auntie was her trainer. They became instant friends and their friendship only flourished when Mom and Dad got married. When I think about our childhood, those two were always up to something together. Thelma and Louise. I was blessed to have Auntie Charl named as my God Mother.. and you know what a God Mother means to an Italian family.. if you don't know then I'll tell you. My Aunt has been there for every scrape, broken bone, broken heart.. every triumph and every tribulation. She was my Confirmation Sponsor and she was there riding shotgun when I use to drive by the houses of the cute boys in high school. For as long as I can remember, she has been such an instrumental part of my life. We've always had an inseparable bond and she has always been like a second mother to me. There are so many memories I have of Auntie that it would be impossible to express them all. She is just always there. You can imagine how we felt when Auntie was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma less than two weeks shy of losing Mom. As if our worlds weren't coming crashing down to begin with.. we learned that Auntie had cancer. As sick as she was during Mom's final days.. she did not leave her side. Beyond insufferable exhaustion from her own disease, she sat by Mom's side and made sure Mom knew how much she was loved. Their bond could never be broken.
Auntie Charl took her diagnosis like a champ and stared it in the face. With her family surrounding her she began her fight. Treatments at Dana Farber, infusions, chemo, more infusions, more chemo and then the horrible bone marrow procedure. Dad threw himself into being there for his best friend and sister. He needed her as much as she needed him. Together they'd make the Wednesday trips up and my cousins and Stephen would do the Saturdays. Certainly there were tough days.. but she always managed to drag herself up out of them and keep fighting. I had the opportunity to be with Auntie on the day she decided it was time to shave her head. I knew how difficult this day would be for her and I was honored to be the one who took her. That day turned into one of the best bonding moments for us yet. We could have cried.. we could have totally SOBBED. We didn't. She sat there so brave in the chair, watched her locks fall to the ground and smiled... then we went to IParty for wigs! Not just any wigs either.. LOL We filled that day with love and laughter (frozen yogurt) and despite it being such a traumatic day, we turned it around and made it fun! I'll cherish that memory always as it really stands out to me how very strong my aunt is.
The days crept on and the trips to Dana Farber continued. All which lead us to yesterday. For those of you who don't know about this cancer, it is incurable and has a very high rate of coming back. I am thrilled to say that Auntie's cancer is sleeping and God I pray it sleeps for a long, long time to come. Bills had begun to pile up adding to her stress when Danielle and Amy approached us about doing a took off from there. Together as a family we banded together and made it happen! With Amy, Danielle and Dad at the helm.. the Friends of Charlene Barron came to life!
I don't think ANY of us expected it to happen the way it did although.. I will say that I am not surprised. My Aunt's generosity and good nature has touched MANY people on this earth. There isn't a single person she meets, that doesn't remember her. (I can attest to this as I can't tell you how many times we have been in public together and she doesn't just run into one person she knows.. but like 10...All of whom are always ecstatic to see her). She has this zest for life and enthusiasm unlike any other. You never see her without a big, beautiful smile plastered across her face. Yesterday, I would say close to 400 people were in attendance at her fundraiser. What a testament to such an amazing person! There were so many friends and family there to support her I hope that her heart remains full for a long time to come. THANK YOU just simply isn't enough.
Auntie, I know that these past 9 months have been the worst you've been through, for so many reasons. I am so proud of the way you have courageously taken on this battle all while grieving Mom. I often think that Mom knew there was no way for her to survive her disease and it was her time to go be at peace. At the same time, I know she left this world wearing your heart on her sleeve and she is going to make damn sure she see's you through this. Together as the amazing family that we are, we are going to Crush It with our angel guiding us from above and we will always be your CREW! I love you from the bottom of my heart and I can't wait to be sipping NO PROBLEMS on the beach with you this summer! We've got your back.. always! Be brave ;)
So this my way of finding the blessings, amongst missing my mother dearly. 9 months.. Continue to guide us Mom and we'll continue to count every single blessing. Each day is a gift friends.. cherish that gift!
Promise me you'll always remember,
You're braver than you believe,
Stronger than you seem
and Smarter than you think.
But the most important thing is,
even if we're apart
I'll always be with you..
Thursday, April 9, 2015
Guilt - The fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime. Synonyms - culpability, guiltiness, blameworthiness, wrongdoing, wrong.
That's a pretty crappy way to feel and yet so many of us live our lives riddled with guilt. Guilt always seems to pop it's way into my life on an almost daily basis. I am always feeling guilty for doing this or not doing that. However, this morning as I was getting ready and before I woke the kids up for school, I thought about how I started this blog as a way for the children to look back and see how much I loved them throughout the years. That someday I would direct them here, so they could be reminded of the love I've always had for them. Somewhere along the line of the past year, the blog turned into a way for me to express the emotions of losing Mom. Herein enters the guilt. I started to get that pit in my stomach when I thought about the kids reading the past several posts and how our "Happy Times" have somehow been clouded by this overwhelming grief. Grief over the loss of my mother, grief over the loss of my marriage. Guilt. It seems as though I have overcome a lot this past year. I don't think I ever really appreciated the strength I had within me until now. Not until being strong was the only thing I would allow myself to be and the only choice I had. So in the name of "strength" I pushed that guilt back down and redirected my thoughts. Yes this has been a tough year. The toughest of my life... but here I am folks. Still kicking, still breathing and with a whole hell of a lot of life ahead of me. What a great lesson for the kids to read eh? Yes, awful things happen in life and you have to pick yourself up, smile in the mirror, dust yourself off and move on. Keep going. We still have each other and we still have our memories of Mom and as long as there is life in me, I'll make sure that Hannah, Layla and Cam know that their Mother loves them and that I would do anything to keep us a happy family. A new kind of normal but a normal just the same with love at the base of it. Goodbye guilt.. I've got this. The kids some day will appreciate the struggle inside me as they read how much I loved their grandmother and how difficult her journey was. As they read how I gave my all to them and for them so that they could have better opportunity in this life. They will be better people for it and just maybe they will learn a new lesson in regards to a mother's selfless love. (Thanks Mom)
So in the name of fresh starts.. here goes. I can still write about the kids.. making sure to keep a journal of all our adventures of love together so that some day they can look back and have concrete evidence of how very much they were loved... but I can write about Mom too because there isn't any law that tells me I can't and because she was such a huge part of our lives, their lives and I want them to know the person she was, before she got sick. They deserve to know and her story deserves to be told. Adios Guilt! I got this!
Here goes...
Easter Weekend was last weekend. The kids and I spent Friday coloring eggs and tidying up the house. AH the house. Did I mention that I have a gazillion dollars worth of ice dam damage? That my entire room, bathroom and closet has been gutted and that I have been living downstairs? That Hannah's room is missing a wall, the front entry way is missing walls and the sunroom floor has been ripped up and that my garage also has to be gutted? Winter, you sucked! Yet we are making the best of it! My new saying these days is, "This wont be what breaks me.." Although, my vacuum cleaner breaking last night.. THAT almost... almost was what broke me. (People who know me, know what a catastrophic event this is). Friday night, the kids went with their Dad and I took some "Me Time". I'm starting to get use to that me time. I never thought I would. Saturday I had a wedding. Erin Donovan and Eric Boyle married in Newport. First let me just say that the kids and I pretty much watched that courtship from my bow window as Erin lived across the street and Eric up the street. Watching Erin get married was bittersweet for me. No child deserves this happiness more than she (yes Erin, you are still a child to me!) Being able to see my sister, Alyson and Beth in the wedding was truly a gift... all three of them stunningly pregnant. I don't remember being this excited for a wedding in a long time. It was elegant and absolutely breathtaking! Taking place at my old Alma Martyr, Salve's Ochre mansion while the reception was at Ocean Cliff. The whole day was simply divine. Yet, it is a new normal for me remember? I kept looking around and taking it all in while thinking about how very much Mom would have loved to have been there. She would have been beaming with pride for Erin as if Erin were her own daughter. She would have been dressed to the nine's and the smile would have never left her face. She would have torn up that dance floor with me and she would have enjoyed the night amongst her friends. I can hear her laugh and I can see her face and exactly how she would have worn her makeup. I can smell her perfume. I'm SO VERY grateful for these happy images that come along every once in a while. All too often these are not the images I see. My heart ached for Dad as I know it was a tough night on him. Riddled with the happiness for Erin and the loneliness for himself, as here we are at another happy occasion without Mom.
Sunday I rose early to go to church. I met the family there. These Sunday's without the kids at church make me insane. I am so use to the kids being with me at all times, that I sometimes panic when they are not. It's such a strange feeling. I buried the feeling and prayed. After church was Easter dinner with the family. My heart ached without the kids and being around my nieces and nephew. I buried it. I'm getting quite good at putting on my "happy face". Finally the time came for me to pick them up and I thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon of egg hunting and them opening their baskets. The only downside to the day is that I learned my banana no longer believes. CRAP! If I could, I'd let her believe til she was sixteen. I have to have a conversation with her. I need alone time with her. As sad as I am, I do look forward to the coming years with her as my sidekick making the magic happen for Layla and Cam. I feel like this will be a new type of relationship for Hannah and I. Where has the time gone? (sigh) Sunday night was the perfect cuddle night with my three cherubs as they were happy to be home and quite exhausted themselves. So we jumped into bed, in my downstairs apartment (lol) and let the thoughts of our weekend take us into our dreams.
I thought of you today Mom. (silly.. I think of you everyday) Eddie Falco came across my newsfeed and I laughed. Then I thought about James Gandolfini. I laughed again. Are you with him? I had forgotten that he had passed and then all these thoughts came into my head. (Do you see why I don't sleep?) I started thinking about how much you loved to watch the Soprano's with the family and how EVERYONE thought you looked like Carmella. It even became your nickname. You ADORED it. You use to get such a kick out of it! (I can hear your laugh). It was a thing. Sunday nights at your house or auntie's and we would all pile around and watch. Life was so fun then Mom. So carefree. So full of love. Help me find these days again Mom. I really need them to get by. I miss you, love you and I hope you are someplace beautiful.
Kids, I love you. Remember that always.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
"Still not here"
It's been a while. Time has passed yet, the hurt is still there. Maybe the corners have softened, but there are still edges. For me, there is still the disbelief. Shock. Pain. The past 8 months have not been easy. Not one bit. The tears don't come as often, but they still come. They come when I least expect it. They come at all hours of the day and night unexpectedly. Especially the nights. 8 months. EIGHT. What? How? Why? Why did she have to suffer? Why did we have to watch her suffer? She was too good. Just too damn good to suffer. Wait.. is she really gone? Has it REALLY been 8 months?
I still struggle with the decisions that were made. I feel like you left this world so that I could live.. without getting into detail, you know what I mean. I feel like you made the ultimate sacrifice for me so that I could have the strength and courage to get through this next year. Or were you just too tired to fight anymore? Somewhere in there, did you know? Did you see the pain in our eyes? Did you just give up? Dammit this should have never happened to you. Not you. I live with the utmost guilt on a daily basis. I should have had more patience. I should have told you I loved you more. I should have this and I should have that... and now.. my time with you is gone. There were so many good years when you were here and I took them for granted. I don't think I will ever forgive myself for that. I just wish I could have looked into your eyes before you got this stupid disease.. really looked in them and thanked you for the selfless mother's love you gave me and let you know how very much appreciation I had for all that you did for me. For our family. Looked in your eyes and told you so that you knew. God I hope you know. Mom, we were never supposed to be a family of 4. It was always supposed to be the 5 of us. Forever.
They had a party for me Mom. Yes, the big 4 - 0. (yikes) I don't know how they pulled it off but they did. I was totally surprised. Yet, as soon as the blindfold came off and I saw Dad's face, all I could do was cry. Cry because here we are again, another milestone, another celebration, another moment without you. None of it feels right. I had a blast. Yes, I absolutely did. Yet at times like these when I am in all my glory, there is always a part of me that says, "If mom were here..." If you were there that night Mom, you would have been on the dance floor with me the whole night. Smiling and laughing.. and then the next day the two of us would be complaining together about how everything hurt! Ha! How I wish I could have lived that memory.
Julie and I went to see "Still Alice" this weekend. Julianne Moore earned every bit of that Oscar. Neither one of us were really thinking. Certainly in hindsight, we should have waited for it to come out on DVD and watch it in our own homes. The role remarkably made us re live almost all aspects of what Mom went through. I found myself crying through the entire movie. There was a scene where Alec Baldwin was helping her get dressed... this was where I lost it the most I think. I use to do that. I HATED doing it just because of how I hated how much dignity Mom had to lose. I hated it for her, not so much me.. but that scene.. brought me back to the many days and nights I would do the same for Mom and it made me miss every single second of doing these things for her.. even though I hated it.. I would take it all back and do it in a heart beat just to have her back. Just to hug her, hold her and tell her everything was alright. But everything is not alright. It's not and I would have been lying to her. By the end of the movie, Julie and I were holding onto each other sobbing uncontrollably. The people in the theater were confused by the ending. We knew the ending. Julie wanted to shout at them.. do you want to know how it ends? I'll tell you how it ends! You all are here seeing this movie as a past time. We are seeing it, because we LIVED it! Trust us, the ending is too horrible to bare.
I love you Mom. With my whole heart. I will spend the rest of my life missing you and somehow trying to understand why you had to go through this. Why you? Please keep sending me signs. They are all that get me through the days sometimes. When I feel like I am suffocating and my whole world is closing in.. keep sending me signs. I got yours yesterday. You always did know how to make me laugh. I love you Mom. I hope you are safe and somewhere pretty.
I still struggle with the decisions that were made. I feel like you left this world so that I could live.. without getting into detail, you know what I mean. I feel like you made the ultimate sacrifice for me so that I could have the strength and courage to get through this next year. Or were you just too tired to fight anymore? Somewhere in there, did you know? Did you see the pain in our eyes? Did you just give up? Dammit this should have never happened to you. Not you. I live with the utmost guilt on a daily basis. I should have had more patience. I should have told you I loved you more. I should have this and I should have that... and now.. my time with you is gone. There were so many good years when you were here and I took them for granted. I don't think I will ever forgive myself for that. I just wish I could have looked into your eyes before you got this stupid disease.. really looked in them and thanked you for the selfless mother's love you gave me and let you know how very much appreciation I had for all that you did for me. For our family. Looked in your eyes and told you so that you knew. God I hope you know. Mom, we were never supposed to be a family of 4. It was always supposed to be the 5 of us. Forever.
They had a party for me Mom. Yes, the big 4 - 0. (yikes) I don't know how they pulled it off but they did. I was totally surprised. Yet, as soon as the blindfold came off and I saw Dad's face, all I could do was cry. Cry because here we are again, another milestone, another celebration, another moment without you. None of it feels right. I had a blast. Yes, I absolutely did. Yet at times like these when I am in all my glory, there is always a part of me that says, "If mom were here..." If you were there that night Mom, you would have been on the dance floor with me the whole night. Smiling and laughing.. and then the next day the two of us would be complaining together about how everything hurt! Ha! How I wish I could have lived that memory.
Julie and I went to see "Still Alice" this weekend. Julianne Moore earned every bit of that Oscar. Neither one of us were really thinking. Certainly in hindsight, we should have waited for it to come out on DVD and watch it in our own homes. The role remarkably made us re live almost all aspects of what Mom went through. I found myself crying through the entire movie. There was a scene where Alec Baldwin was helping her get dressed... this was where I lost it the most I think. I use to do that. I HATED doing it just because of how I hated how much dignity Mom had to lose. I hated it for her, not so much me.. but that scene.. brought me back to the many days and nights I would do the same for Mom and it made me miss every single second of doing these things for her.. even though I hated it.. I would take it all back and do it in a heart beat just to have her back. Just to hug her, hold her and tell her everything was alright. But everything is not alright. It's not and I would have been lying to her. By the end of the movie, Julie and I were holding onto each other sobbing uncontrollably. The people in the theater were confused by the ending. We knew the ending. Julie wanted to shout at them.. do you want to know how it ends? I'll tell you how it ends! You all are here seeing this movie as a past time. We are seeing it, because we LIVED it! Trust us, the ending is too horrible to bare.
I love you Mom. With my whole heart. I will spend the rest of my life missing you and somehow trying to understand why you had to go through this. Why you? Please keep sending me signs. They are all that get me through the days sometimes. When I feel like I am suffocating and my whole world is closing in.. keep sending me signs. I got yours yesterday. You always did know how to make me laugh. I love you Mom. I hope you are safe and somewhere pretty.
“Okay, what do you feel?”
“I feel love. It’s about love."
“I feel love. It’s about love."
Still Alice
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
9 weeks and 2 days. Yes I am still counting. I still haven't accepted the fact that I have lost you Mom. I want to. Trust me I do. I think that if I can finally accept it, I can begin the healing process.. no? Maybe? Maybe not. Is this shock? Could I possibly be in shock still, 9 weeks later? Is that even a thing? I'm going to have to google that. I just miss you so much. I miss you well, I miss you even sick. Your physical presence. Your smile. Dammit everything. I need you here. It hurts to not have you here. This has been he most horrible year of my life and I just need you. YOU. Mom everything has gone wrong and I just don't know how much longer I can hold on without you. I feel like everything is falling apart.
I waited weeks to feel your presence and even though these days suck without you.. I have felt you Mom. Last week.. when I finally made things right.. you knew I needed that. You were behind that. God I am so grateful and thankful. Then yesterday, when I found myself in the same predicament as I was in 15 years ago with you... and you never let me live it down. You laughed about that for years. There I was again.. same situation, same doctors office, same shot in the ass. All I could do was laugh because I knew you were laughing your head off at me! I waited so long to feel you. Thank God I have finally found some of you around me. Yet, the tears still come. Almost daily. I can't talk about you without getting choked up. Especially to Dad. He took me to the cemetery last week. He knew I was struggling. I thought if I went.. I could accept. It didn't work. I think it actually made me worse. I wouldn't tell him that of course. It's his place.. his comfort. He cares for you there. Me, I had to hold back with every inch of my being not to dig you up and hold you. It didn't feel right.. me there sitting by your grave. I should be taking care of you.
Then there are the day to day struggles. The just living life and trying to put one foot in front of the other. My "give a damn" is busted Mom. I simply just cant do everything that I use to. Quite frankly, I don't know how I still fit in a day what I do. Maybe it is your last lesson in strength that keeps me going? Is it you Mom? I feel like I am letting people down. I feel guilty for a few.. and then I just don't care. When I have to cancel plans or respond no to an invite.. it bothers me.. but I just can't do it all and I really don't FEEL like it. I am grateful for the people that have stuck with me. My friends.. certain family members.. who don't hate me for it and still stand by my side. The countless texts from people that I hardly get to respond to because I am just too damn busy or just don't feel like it... and yet those people still text me.. and love me.
I keep finding pictures. I look at them... suck in my breath and say, "Can this be?" It's like I have to sit here and force myself to remember those last days to believe that you are gone and yet when I think of them.. I can't possibly believe I actually lived them. "Wait. I did that?" I did. It's fuzzy and so clear all at the same time. Oh Mom.. I just hope you are somewhere pretty and safe. I hope that your pain is gone and that you are happy. ...
I waited weeks to feel your presence and even though these days suck without you.. I have felt you Mom. Last week.. when I finally made things right.. you knew I needed that. You were behind that. God I am so grateful and thankful. Then yesterday, when I found myself in the same predicament as I was in 15 years ago with you... and you never let me live it down. You laughed about that for years. There I was again.. same situation, same doctors office, same shot in the ass. All I could do was laugh because I knew you were laughing your head off at me! I waited so long to feel you. Thank God I have finally found some of you around me. Yet, the tears still come. Almost daily. I can't talk about you without getting choked up. Especially to Dad. He took me to the cemetery last week. He knew I was struggling. I thought if I went.. I could accept. It didn't work. I think it actually made me worse. I wouldn't tell him that of course. It's his place.. his comfort. He cares for you there. Me, I had to hold back with every inch of my being not to dig you up and hold you. It didn't feel right.. me there sitting by your grave. I should be taking care of you.
Then there are the day to day struggles. The just living life and trying to put one foot in front of the other. My "give a damn" is busted Mom. I simply just cant do everything that I use to. Quite frankly, I don't know how I still fit in a day what I do. Maybe it is your last lesson in strength that keeps me going? Is it you Mom? I feel like I am letting people down. I feel guilty for a few.. and then I just don't care. When I have to cancel plans or respond no to an invite.. it bothers me.. but I just can't do it all and I really don't FEEL like it. I am grateful for the people that have stuck with me. My friends.. certain family members.. who don't hate me for it and still stand by my side. The countless texts from people that I hardly get to respond to because I am just too damn busy or just don't feel like it... and yet those people still text me.. and love me.
I keep finding pictures. I look at them... suck in my breath and say, "Can this be?" It's like I have to sit here and force myself to remember those last days to believe that you are gone and yet when I think of them.. I can't possibly believe I actually lived them. "Wait. I did that?" I did. It's fuzzy and so clear all at the same time. Oh Mom.. I just hope you are somewhere pretty and safe. I hope that your pain is gone and that you are happy. ...
Friday, August 29, 2014
My head is spinning
I came across this picture today and it made me catch my breath. This picture was taken almost seven years ago. It was the day after Layla was born. We were so happy! Thrilled to have a healthy baby girl after everything poor Hannah went through as an infant! Look at you! So beautiful! Four generations right there. It was only seven years. I truly believe this is what you would look like today if you didn't get sick. I look at this picture and think, "How can you be gone?" You had so much living to do. You should be here, Mom. I need you here. I hate everything about this stupid disease. What it did to you.. To us. Did you know? Did you know this is what you had? I wanted to tell you so badly! Selfishly, I wanted you to know so that we could talk. I wanted to say things to you while you understood. I wanted to hear things in return. Your ring broke today. Thankfully I was able to find the stone. I'm hoping it can be fixed easily. I feel naked without it. I've worn it every day since you left. I'm lost mom. Truly lost without you. I really would do anything just to have a conversation with you. I know I'm almost 40 but I still need your guidance. There are so many things I want to ask you. Nothing feels right without you. I love this picture of you because this was the mom I knew. Always so pretty.. stunning...those pants.. how you loved those pants.. they said so much about you. I miss you mom... I don't want to do this without you. I feel like nobody understands. It's like everyone expects me to be my old cheerful self. No one knows how to handle me. Friends call and ask why I sound down and I get so angry. Why do you think I sound down? It's only been 6 weeks.. and every moment is still consumed with missing you. I feel like I want to scream at them.. MY MOTHER DIED! Don't they get it? Don't they understand? Life didn't go back to normal for me. I am still trying to maneuver these new streets without you. Nothing feels right or normal and I am not sure if it ever will. I miss you so much Mom. Please send me a sign... I love you.. always and forever.
62 was just too young
Thursday, August 7, 2014
3 weeks and 3 days
It's been 3 weeks and 3 days since my mother took her last breath. 3 weeks and 3 days. It seems like yesterday, it seems like never.. none of it is making sense in my head. I am struggling. I miss my mom. Is she really gone? She can't be gone! Yet this hole and aching in my heart tells me she is gone. Where is gone? I don't understand. It wasn't suppose to happen like this. I knew we did not have all that much time, but it wasn't suppose to happen like this. Not yet! She was never suppose to be sick in the first place. How did this happen? Why did this happen? I spent 6 days trying to soak in as much of her in as I could. I held her hand, her heart. I brushed her hair and washed her face and kissed her a million times over. I'd snuggle in the bed with her and just soak her in. I knew this was the end and I wanted to soak all of her up to get me through. It's been 3 weeks and 3 days and I miss everything about her. Her touch. Her scent. Her eyes. Six days of soaking her up didn't even get me through one week... how am I suppose to get through more?
My mind keeps playing tricks one me. One second I believe it.. the next it's not real. Then when I think about the reality of it, I feel the loss all over again. And over again. And over again. Like I keep getting sucker punched. She's gone. She's not coming back. I find myself making deals with God to bring her back. Bring her back sick. I don't care. I'll take care of her. I'll move her in and care for her. Just to see her face and feel her touch and let her know how very much I love her. Everywhere I go in my house I am reminded of her being there. Being there in that house when we were younger.. happier times... and being there sick with me on the days we spent together. Caring for her. I keep getting these flashbacks of everything. Childhood memories... the latter years memories of caring for her sick and then those last 6 days. I can't get them out of my head. I watched her die. I never truly thought about her actual death. I guess I always assumed she would just close her eyes and pass. That is not what happened.
And yet time does not stop. It should. The world keeps going and people keep on living their lives. Back to work, back to household chores and duties.. back to life... except my life feels nothing like before and I just want to scream! I go through the motions. Care for the kids, work, activities.. I feel like I am in this fishbowl and everyone is just watching me and expecting me to be fine. Fine because they don't know how to handle me if I am not. So I try my best to act fine. I am not fine. I am crumbling and broken. I want to cry at the drop of a dime. I want this to be a nightmare. This can't be real. She's my mom. I need her. I feel like I have mono. Everything hurts. Physically hurts. Getting out of bed in the morning is a chore. I do it... but it's a chore. Showering, makeup.. some days I do it, some days I don't. I'm operating in zombie mode. I can't sleep at night because all I do is think of her. Those 6 days. If she knew how much I loved her. How much I appreciated her. Why couldn't I have told her when she was well enough to understand?
During the sleepless nights I find myself googling "heaven". My faith is supposed to comfort me. It doesn't. Im trying.. really... but I am not comforted. Heaven is suppose to be beautiful and peaceful. Yet, it is just our spirits. How do I hug my mom when it's my turn to be a spirit? How do spirits hug? I just want to hug her. I don't get it. Im pretty sure I left my mom at the cemetery. 6 days of touching her warm hands... never leaving her side.. taking shifts with little or no sleep... to then leave her.. not warm... in a cemetery. How can this be? It doesn't make sense. I'm trying so hard to believe that she is ok and at peace and happy in this space unknown. But the truth is... I am so scared of the unknown. I hate the unknown. If she could just tell me she's ok.. and it's beautiful... I feel like I could have some acceptance of this. I just simply can't accept that this happened. This really happened.
I sleep with her robe over my pillow every night. It's so soft. I feel like a child who can't sleep without it. I'm afraid to wash it. It still smells like her. Like those last 6 days. It makes me sad and brings me comfort all at the same time. I use her lotion and wear her ring and think about her every second of every day. I am frantically looking for an "I'm ok" sign from heaven. A penny.. a butterfly.. something. Anything. I obsessively listen to 70's lite rock because I can hear her singing every song like she did when we were kids. I can hear her voice literally singing. Is she the one playing these certain songs for me? Is it coincidence? Is it her? Is it me just trying to make some connection and really there is none?
3 weeks and 3 days... where do we go from here? God, Mom... I just miss you so much!
Friday, May 2, 2014
Missing Mom
Is it even possible since my mother is still technically alive? But I do. I miss her so much and have come to the conclusion that I lost my Mom 2 years ago. The new woman, is just a shell of what was once there. A delicate, fragile, sad shell of what once was a vibrant, talented, energetic, sophisticated, funny, beautiful, caring woman. I miss my mom. Three months ago I somehow made the transition of learning to love this new woman called "Mom". The past 6+ years have been filled with auto pilot and taking care of her in a way I never thought I would have to at this age. I managed to push those feelings down and just go. Many times in those past 6+ years I would get frustrated with mom for not knowing how to do certain things or for yelling at the kids even though I knew it was the disease and not my mother doing those things. Try telling that to your brain when she's screaming at your kids for doing nothing wrong. I am no longer frustrated. That frustration has vanished and been replaced with pure and utter sadness. I miss my mom.
This whole process of grieving someone who is still technically alive is so consuming and painstakingly overwhelming. My mind keeps wandering back to the days when I could see her smile and hear her laughter and listen to her laughing her pants off about some prank she played on a friend or some mischief she and her friends would get into. Now, only a handful of friends visit her. I miss hearing her curse like Mikey because it was so unbelievably funny coming out of her pure and innocent mouth. I miss hearing her voice and I miss hearing her advice. I miss her smiles. I miss how stressed she would get before the gazillion dinners and parties she would put on and I miss seeing that look of accomplishment when each and every event was a success. I miss her hugs and I miss her always telling me that it was all going to be alright. Now that's the sentence I say to her on a daily basis. "I'll take care of you Mom, you're safe. Don't you worry, I am here." I didn't want this job at this age and I'll never understand why God gave it to me. I'll never to the day I die understand how this dreadful disease can be placed on a family and how you are supposed to find the silver lining. This disease is a slow torture on both the victim and the people who are helpless in all aspects. It takes everything but most of all it takes your heart.
Consuming; The best way I can describe the constant thought process that runs through my mind almost 24 hours a day. Excerpt
She's so skinny. She's so skinny. She'd go nuts if she actually knew how thin she was if she was in her right mind. Is she going to keep losing weight? Is this how it is going to end? Will we have to watch God take her piece by piece just like we have these past years? Organ by organ? Abnormal echo cardiogram? Is that it? Is that how we will "lose" Mom? Silently? How much more time is left? When will she stop walking? God does she know how much I love her? Does she know that here I sit, in her same shoes, raising three children and trying to hold down a full time job while developing my passion for photography.. does she know how I appreciate her? I never told her then. I never did, did I? And here I sit realizing that she did so much for us and we expected so much and she just did did did. Why didn't I tell her? I wish I could tell her! Always sacrificed herself and her happiness to make Dad and us kids happy. She did it all and she did it effortlessly. Always perfect. Straight A club president The kids... dammit the kids will never know how full of life she was. They will only know this sad shell of a woman. The sick Nonnie who has no rememberies. But she's going to get better Mom, right? Sure darling, she'll be okay. NO NO NO she wont. She's dying dammit she is dying and there is not a goddamn thing we can do about it but sit back and watch while she takes pieces of us with her. Dad. What are we going to do with Dad? A broken man. I've never seen our rock so broken. He's crumbling. He's angry. He now walks with his head hung and his shoulders rounded. Weight of the world. He can't fix this. It kills him that he can't fix this. His eyes aren't happy anymore. That was what I always loved about him most. His happy eyes. They are gone. His tears. They sting our hearts. How are we going to get him through this? I have to be strong. I have to be the one to hold it together. I can. No I cant. Am I going to sleep tonight? Probably not. Here comes Layla.. she's going to see my tears.. hurry up get it together.
The days are getting harder and harder. I am trying my best to spend as much time with her as possible. It is hard now that the visiting has to be done at her house. The kids have a tough time. It's only going to get harder and the thought of it sends me into panic attacks. I don't know how much time is left, but my heart and gut keeps telling me there isn't much. So our time is filled with cuddles and reassurance that I won't leave her and that I love her. A million times over.
My biggest regret? Not telling her how much I love her and how I appreciate everything she did in my life to make me the person I am today. She was a one woman show with my dad working so many hours when we were kids. I have so much adoration and appreciation for the way she plugged through and raised us. I wish I could have said this to her when she understood. When she could hear my voice. When I didn't have to say it with tears and regret. Her beauty will always shine bright in my heart and when all is said and done.. I will dig deep and find comfort in knowing that she is present in me.. because she made me the mother I am today...
I love you Mom. I miss you Mom... Happy Mother's Day Mom... and ... thank you...
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